Definition of



There are different types of fraud.

From the Latin fraus , a fraud is an action that is contrary to truth and righteousness . Fraud is committed against another person or against an organization (such as the State or a company ).

For the law , fraud is a crime committed by the person in charge of overseeing the execution of contracts, whether public or private, to represent opposing interests. Fraud, therefore, is punishable by law .

Types of fraud

We come across the fact that there are multiple types of fraud. Thus, among them are the payments of salaries to personnel who do not work, the cancellation of invoices that have been collected, double billing, liabilities recorded without supporting documentation, sales and services that are not declared in taxes or salaries. paid to people who do not exist.

These are some examples of the various types of fraud that exist. However, if a much more specific and exhaustive classification had to be made, we could say that we find, for example, the so-called procedural fraud . This can be defined as one whose clear objective is to deceive the judge who is carrying out a judicial procedure.

In this sense, to deceive said authority what is done is to offer false information and this is done by the person who is involved, directly or indirectly in the aforementioned case, and who has the duty to tell the truth and present the facts in a truthful manner.

Virtual fraud

It is common for criminals to resort to computer tools to carry out virtual fraud.

Deceptions with technology

Likewise, another of the most frequent types of fraud in today's society is the so-called computer fraud , which consists of the preparation of false documents or obtaining credit through a series of punishable actions that are carried out through a computer.

Within this category, in turn, we find two clearly differentiated classes. On the one hand, there are frauds that are carried out at ATMs and on the other hand we must talk about what bank fraud is.

With the advancement of the Internet , many scammers have developed virtual frauds . One of the most common is known as the Nigerian scam . Through an email, a supposed Nigerian millionaire requests a bank account to be able to withdraw money from his country. To do this, he asks the victim for an advance and his account number, ensuring that he will make the deposit later and offering a commission to the unwary. Of course, this is fraud and the victim will never receive any money.

Fraud and scam

The concept of fraud is associated with that of fraud , which is a crime against assets or property. It consists of deception to obtain a property, making the person or company that pays believe that they will obtain something that, in reality, does not exist.

For example: a man requests $1,000 as an advance payment to arrange the delivery of a car. According to this person, the $1,000 allows you to begin the process for granting the vehicle at a promotional price. However, the process is non-existent and the scammer flees with that advance. The person who paid has therefore been the victim of fraud.