Definition of



A phrase is a succession of words that produces a meaning.

A phrase is a set of words that forms meaning. Although the term is usually used as a synonym for sentence , a phrase may not constitute a sentence (which is a unit of meaning with syntactic autonomy). The phrase is also known as the verbless prayer ( "For God's sake!" ), although, from a technical point of view, this is not correct.

The concept, which comes from the Latin phrasis , also refers to the particular use of a language that a writer or speaker makes, and to the specific manner of each language. For example: “The Castilian phrase shares many similarities with the Galician and Portuguese ones, although it is not comparable to the English one.”

For linguistics , a phrase is an expression made up of two or more words and whose joint meaning cannot be deduced from the elements that compose it.

The concept in music and dance

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the fact that the term in question is also frequently used within the field of music. Specifically, in this area, this concept is used to refer to any fragment of a specific composition that is fundamentally characterized by the fact that it is located between two bars and because it has its own meaning.

But the word we are analyzing is not only used in this artistic field. It is also used in the field of dance. Thus, it is used by its professionals to refer to any rhythmic movement that the dancer's body makes within a certain space.

Adverbial phrases and set phrases

In the same way we find ready-made expressions that also resort to the use of the term “phrase”. Hence there are adverbial phrases such as “spending phrases.” This, used colloquially, is used when you want to establish that someone in particular talks a lot and makes all kinds of detours.

A phrase is known as a commonly used phrase that is used as a proverb or one with a figurative meaning and an unalterable form: “You should not rest on your laurels,” “Whenever it rained, it stopped,” “The second parts were never good.” " , "Like a glove" .


There are different types of phrases.

famous expressions

A famous phrase , on the other hand, is a well-known and repeated phrase, which is usually cited in various contexts and whose authorship, generally, corresponds to some famous person. “I have committed the worst sin that one can commit: I have not been happy” ( Jorge Luis Borges ), “There is no path to peace, peace is the path” ( Mahatma Ghandi ) and “If you are looking for different results, do not always do the same” ( Albert Einstein ) are some famous phrases.

In this way, we find countless spaces on the Internet where famous phrases from both real and fictional characters are made known. Specifically, it is usual for them to be classified by categories under the topic they deal with. Thus, for example, we find phrases about love, politics, friendship, freedom, feelings, literature... with which we can feel identified at a given moment.