Definition of


SetThe idea of ​​forging has several uses. The term comes from fabricāre , a word from the Latin language .

The first meaning of forge mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to the forging of metals . The action of forging, meanwhile, consists of giving shape to a metal element using a hammer .

Suppose a blacksmith intends to create horse shoes. This man will have to forge the metal: first he will have to heat it and then press and hit it with his hammer until it gives it the proper shape.

The term forge is also used in the field of construction . In this case, the concept is associated with what happens with plaster, lime or concrete (concrete) when it hardens in the work that is manufactured. It is necessary to wait until the masses finish setting so that they acquire the appropriate consistency.

The setting of concrete, to mention one possibility, is the process that leads this material to harden and lose elasticity. This act of setting takes place when the metal hydroxides dry and recrystallize with the metal oxides that come from the chemical reaction that takes place between the metal oxides (which are in Portland clinker , the most important component of cement) and water. of kneading.

Elasticity in this case is also known as plasticity . Setting is carried out in formwork to enable molding. Concrete or concrete concrete is a material that is used in construction works and its formula mainly includes a binder (a material that can join small particles of one or more materials and offer a uniform result through chemical transformations) that It is complemented with water, certain additives (such as emulsions, liquids or powders) and aggregates (a granular material).

It is also possible to apply the setting process to cement mortar , another material used in construction. This is obtained when water , sand and cement are mixed and is used to prepare stones, concrete blocks, bricks and other elements. Another of its most common uses is filling gaps between blocks and covering walls.

SetBefore proceeding to use a material of this type to make repairs or decorations in the home, we must carefully study its setting time to prevent it from hardening before we have finished applying it.

Fraguar, on the other hand, refers to organizing, designing or defining something . This use of the word is usually pejorative or negative . For example : “The opposition accused the government of forging a regulatory scheme to favor its friends,” “We began to forge the project several months ago but only now were we able to make it known,” “Investigators believe that both brothers got together to forge it.” the crime on the night before the incident.”

To correctly conjugate this verb in all modes and tenses, we must keep in mind that in certain specific cases we must alter it slightly to maintain the sound of the U after the G. Let us remember that in our language the syllables GE and GI are read in the same way as JE and JI , while GUE and GUI transform the sound of G into a much softer one and lead us to omit the U.

Well, when writing the verb fraguar in the first person singular of the Past Perfect of the Indicative mood, for example, we must add the umlaut over the U : fragüé . If we didn't, the U should not be pronounced. The same thing happens in all the people of the Present tense of the Subjunctive mood: fragüe, fragües, fragüemos…