Definition of


The etymological origin of the term boil that concerns us now is found in Latin. Specifically, we have to state that it comes from “forunculus”, whose original meaning was “little thief”. And it was derived from “fur, furis”, which was synonymous with “thief”.

The term refers to the swelling of the skin that is generated by the infection of a hair follicle .

BoilLet us remember that a follicle is a gland that is located in the mucous membranes or skin and is shaped like a sac. Hairy , meanwhile, is that linked to hair. Specifically, a hair follicle is an area of ​​the skin that concentrates stem cells and enables hair growth.

When a bacteria causes an infection in a hair follicle, the skin becomes inflamed and a boil appears. Usually the bacteria known as staphylococcus aureus or staphylococcus aureus (scientific name Staphylococcus aureus ) is the cause of the infection that causes the skin to swell.

Boils usually develop in moist, hairy areas of the body, such as the legs, groin, armpits or neck. Certain illnesses, being overweight, and poor hygiene increase the chances of infection . Once the boil appears, it can be transmitted by contagion to other individuals or spread to other body regions.

Among the common symptoms that reveal the existence of a boil are that the skin appears red, a painful lump appears, this lump can present with a white-yellowish tip through which pus will come out...

In the same way, we cannot ignore that, sometimes, other symptoms that make the existence of the boil clear are general malaise, fever, itching before the definitive appearance of the aforementioned boil, fatigue...

In certain cases, several boils end up joining together and causing a larger lesion . When this phenomenon occurs, it is called anthrax or furunculosis .

Boils generally disappear spontaneously in a period of no more than two weeks. In any case, it is possible to apply hot, moist compresses in order to speed up healing .

If the injury is very extensive or deep, a doctor may indicate surgical drainage . Specifically, the doctor in question can determine the need to resort to surgery in several cases:

-If the boil is still intact after two weeks.

-The option of surgery will also be considered if that boil is causing great pain to the person.

-In the same way, this route will be chosen when the boil appears on the spine or even on the face.

-This alternative will also be used when the boil has disappeared and reappears.

And we must not forget that it can present complications such as infections in bones, blood, brain, a vital organ such as the heart and even kidneys, skin or another series of organs.

On the other hand, when there is a risk that the infection will spread to the spinal cord or other parts of the body where it could cause more serious complications, or if the patient has a fever, the professional may prescribe antibiotics .