Definition of



Many companies are committed to the continuous training of their employees .

The concept of formation comes from the Latin word formatio . It is a term associated with the verb to form (to give shape to something, to make a whole from the integration of its parts). Formation also refers to the shape as an appearance or external characteristics ( "It is an animal with excellent formation" ) and to the accumulation of stones or minerals that share certain features in their geology .

In the military field, on the other hand, the formation is a grouping of troops for some reason: "The enemy formation advances towards the north." A similar use is received in sports , since it indicates who will participate in a match and what position each player will occupy.

Training as training

Currently, the notion of training is usually associated with training , especially at a professional level. A person's training, therefore, is linked to the studies they completed, the academic degree achieved and the learning they completed, whether at a formal or informal level.

Part of this education is usually mandatory in many countries and generally includes the knowledge necessary to function in adult life, whether to work or to face the purchase of a house and its maintenance.

The importance of specializing

In recent years, given the increase in the unemployment rate in various parts of the world, various centers have emerged that offer training specifically oriented to the performance of trades. The qualification they offer is usually in the range of a diploma, although some courses, especially computer science courses, reach a bachelor's degree. Since the nature of many of these careers is tertiary , the minimum requirement is to have completed secondary studies.

Some example sentences, in which we can see different meanings of the word: "The formation of clouds is produced by the accumulation of water vapor" , "The coach has not yet communicated the formation of the team" , "We have to hire "a well-trained executive to help us move this company forward."


Training is essential at a professional level.

Internet and alternatives to traditional training

Although the media continues to present the university as the highest educational objective, many of the professionals who have revolutionized technology, for example, as well as figures from all disciplines admired by millions of people around the world have chosen a way increasingly popular training method, thanks to the internet: self-learning . Programmers, passionate about languages, design, 3D modelers, writers, all of them can find enough material online to study and do great things, whether they are looking to get a very good job or are inclined towards research and development. development .

Likewise, the Internet offers possibilities never dreamed of a few years ago, such as distance training . Popular especially for language learning, this type of study requires a moderately fast connection, so a large percentage of the population can access it. The main advantage, beyond the convenience of not needing to travel to an institute and the reduction in fees, lies in the fact of being able to choose from a greater number of teachers. In the case of languages, for example, accessing tutoring with a person with a native level of the language is an invaluable benefit.

Beyond academics

Within the types of training that do not include schooling, we must take into account the knowledge that is acquired through practice, from work experience . In this sense, a person who worked for fifteen years in a mechanical workshop is most likely prepared to solve problems in an automobile, even if he does not have a title or degree to prove it.

Furthermore, there is no university course that provides its students with the knowledge and practice necessary to face the professional world . It is always necessary to complement what is learned with experience, especially in matters related to science and technology .