Definition of



To play soccer, you have to use a round-shaped ball.

The Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) recognizes almost twenty meanings of the term form . The etymological origin of the concept is found in Latin.

The first meaning mentioned by the RAE in its dictionary refers to the exterior configuration or appearance of an element . The form, in this sense, can be appreciated by sight or perceived through touch.

The shape of things

Many times we recognize objects by their shape. If we look at an elongated stick that has a fist, we will soon realize that it is a cane . When we see that the stick is wider and shorter, it may be a rolling pin or kitchen rolling pin, to mention one possibility.

The form usually determines the functions of things. A ball must have a spherical shape to roll; Therefore, you cannot play soccer with a rugby ball, which is oval.

However, it must be considered that the form is not always decisive. A plate can be used to serve food regardless of whether its shape is square, rectangular or circular, for example.

A way or a mode

Another meaning of form refers to the manner or way of doing something. In a similar sense, the way in which an event happens is linked to its characteristics.

Suppose that when a mother asks her son if he had tidied his room, the child shouts back. The woman may get angry because she believes that the child responded in a bad way . This is because the response did not conform to what is taken as appropriate or correct in a relationship of this type.

Let us now imagine that, in a certain place, it begins to snow with great intensity. Faced with this scenario, a journalist may report that it is snowing heavily , referring to how the flakes fall on the surface .

athletic status

The notion of physical fitness can be associated with athletic status.

Physical fitness

The idea of ​​form usually appears associated with a person's body. It is common to talk about the shapes of a woman to refer to her silhouette .

Form, on the other hand, is the physical condition of an individual. Whoever is in good shape has an adequate athletic state for the development of actions that require a certain effort. On the other hand, someone who is in bad shape is not prepared to do that type of work.

Professional athletes , in this framework, must be in excellent shape to respond to the demands of matches or tests . An overweight athlete will surely not be able to compete with his rivals.

The concept in law

In the field of law , forms are the requirements that a legal act must meet. The notion can also name procedural issues that are not part of the merits of the case.

As for a legal act, the form can be understood as the set of precepts stipulated by the law on the solemnities to be observed. Whether the act is carried out by a notary public or before the eyes of a witness are questions that affect the form.