Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term focus, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it comes from Latin, specifically from the word “focus”, which can be translated as “home fire”.

This concept has several uses: the first one mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to an electric lamp whose light is directed at a certain point.

FocusSpotlights, therefore, can be optical instruments that project light towards a specific area. There are spotlights in theaters, in film and TV studios, in stadiums and in many other places.

In a broader sense, a reflector or device from which beams of heat or light rays come out is called a focus. Depending on the region , the term is used with greater specificity.

In some countries , an incandescent lamp is called a bulb. These elements are also called lamps , bulbs , light bulbs or light bulbs .

The headlights of cars and other vehicles, for their part, can be mentioned as headlights in several nations . Elsewhere, these lights are called lighthouses .

Other information of interest about the focus are the following:

-What is known as the electric light bulb was created by the British chemist Humphry Davy (1778 – 1829), who is also considered the father of electrochemistry along with other illustrious figures such as Michael Faraday or Alessandro Volta.

-We had to wait, however, until this Swiss creation could really be used. And that was something that the American inventor and businessman Thomas Alva Edison (1847 – 1931) achieved, which shaped other inventions such as the movie camera or the phonograph.

It must be established that there are a large number of different models of spotlights. However, among the most significant we can highlight some such as the following:

-Asymmetrical, which are those that appear with the lamp located at the top or bottom of the spotlight. They are suitable for illuminating large surfaces or even backgrounds.

-Minibrutes, which are currently disappearing and are made up of between six to nine quartz lamps, specifically 1 kW.

-FRESNEL HMI. These other spotlights have the particularity that they are widely used in the world of cinema due to their great lighting performance. Exactly, they are widely used in filming and recording scenes that take place outdoors.

If we focus on the field of optics , the idea of ​​focus refers to the point of convergence of light rays . An image is in focus when the light from the points converges correctly; On the other hand, an image is out of focus when said light is not converged adequately.

Focus, finally, can be the imaginary or real place where something is concentrated and from where it spreads. Expressions such as “make focus” and “put focus” are also used symbolically regarding the concentration of interest . For example: “With the development of the Soccer World Cup, Russia will be the focus of attention of sports lovers” , “The new tax law aims to focus on small businesses” , “Nutritionists focus on consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.”