Definition of

Work flexibility

Job satisfaction

Flexible working improves recruitment and fosters talent retention.

Flexible work is a method of work organization that allows employees to choose, within certain limits and according to certain criteria, how to carry out their tasks. In this way, the worker has greater freedom compared to other systems or regimes.

With flexible working conditions, employees ' interests and needs are taken into account, thus increasing their satisfaction with the company. For the employer, this well-being of the employee results in greater productivity and less conflict.

Origin of labor flexibility

The origin of labour flexibility is often dated back to the 1990s . While there have always been companies and employers that have been more flexible than others when it comes to setting working conditions, the advance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the 1990s gave rise to a new trend in labour relations and in daily office activity.

In many companies, flexible working was a response to the need to adapt to the habits that emerged with the rise of the Internet and to the possibilities that the Web opened up in many areas. Technological resources also modified production processes and the provision of services, which meant that day-to-day operations within the organisations changed.

In this context, employers had to modify certain guidelines to retain their talents. They also had to adjust to the demands of a globalized market that led to the introduction of changes within the entities.

A key moment in labor flexibility was the COVID-19 pandemic . In 2020 , the epidemiological situation forced companies to adopt remote work , a reality that over time became a kind of acquired right for many workers. Today, the possibility of working from home, at least a few days a week, is part of the benefits offered by companies.

Business Philosophy

Introducing flexible working practices into a corporate culture requires adaptability.

Its characteristics

Flexible working is based on the power given to the employee to choose certain conditions related to his/her position . In a broad sense, it is the set of measures or decisions that facilitate work-family balance and contribute to the well-being of the employee.

Flexible hours are one of its pillars. People are allowed to adjust their start or end times, or choose a time block when it is a shift job.

In general, independent time management is allowed. This allows for project-based work rather than work by number of hours. Other related benefits include the possibility of setting a reduction in working hours or even completing a four-day work week, thus extending rest .

The alternative of working remotely, on the other hand, helps the employee spend more time at home. Digital technology that allows virtual communication via teleconferences and other resources and that contemplates the use of collaboration software means that, in many cases, the company is indifferent as to whether the employee is physically located at the company's headquarters or somewhere else.

EThe home office además deja abierta la chance deldigital nomadism. Hay profesionales que llevan el trabajo consigo gracias a una computadora portátil, con lo cual pueden mudarse continuamente o viajar de modo constante sin que eso incida en su labor.

More days of vacation and maternity/paternity leave, job rotation and the employer's willingness to support training, learning and development activities are other characteristics that may be present in labor flexibility.


Flexible working contributes to a positive work environment.

Benefits of flexible working

The benefits of flexible working are numerous and stem from the characteristics mentioned above. In short, this method of organisation helps to achieve a satisfactory work-life balance for the employee .

This greater freedom often reduces workplace stress . In a company that implements flexible working, employees are less likely to suffer from burnout and other mental health disorders associated with work.

Flexible working can also mean savings for both parties. Those who work from home do not spend money on fuel for their car or on tickets or fares for public transport; the employer, meanwhile, can reduce their fixed structure (in relation to the use of computers, furniture or even offices) with the decentralization of work.

As we have already indicated, a human resources policy of this type, which increases job satisfaction , is favourable for companies as it usually has a positive impact on employee motivation and productivity .

Negative aspects

Flexible working in itself is not negative, but its consequences can be detrimental depending on the employee's attitude. Working remotely and managing one's own time freely requires employee responsibility for the system to work.

A performance review may reveal that working from home is impacting performance. If a customer service person was handling ten complaints a day in the office but only resolved four when working from home, it is clear that this aspect of flexible working has ended up being counterproductive.