Definition of

Brand new

Brand newThe adjective flamante comes from the Latin word flammans . The term is used to describe something that looks radiant since it is freshly made or has never been used. For example: «Do you want to see my brand new car? I just bought it" , "I'm going to wear my brand new suit at my brother's wedding" , "The brand new phone from the Finnish manufacturer has amazed the specialists" .

Brand new is new , that's why it usually attracts attention. Suppose a sportswear brand holds an event to show off a football team's new jersey . The journalists who attend the presentation, in their reports, allude to the "brand new shirt" of the team in question. In a similar sense, a man can invite his friends to his house to watch an important boxing fight since he has a “brand new, state-of-the-art television” that he purchased days ago.

The idea of ​​brand new can also be used to describe someone who has just assumed a position or reached a certain position : "The brand new Minister of Economy stated that reducing public spending is essential to strengthen the nation's economy," "The actress presented her brand new boyfriend at the premiere of the film in which he stars , "The brand new reinforcement of the Spanish team has already trained with his teammates and will be at the coach's disposal for the next game."

As time passes, the new thing loses its condition. Returning to some of the previous examples, the "brand new shirt" that was presented at an event cannot be described in that way three years later, just as the "brand new Minister of Economy" will not be named in that way when he has already been in office for two years. the charge.

Here it is also necessary to clarify that flaming is not an adjective that is completely defined in terms of the quality of what it qualifies, but rather its meaning focuses on the novelty of the object. Many times we hear that a company has presented "its brand new television" but a few days later critics destroy it due to its technical problems and its lack of performance compared to the competition, and something similar can happen when talking about new members of a team.

Brand newThe use of this and other adjectives responds to the need that human beings have to celebrate the new, youth, those things that we know have a lot of life ahead of them. This may seem arbitrary, but deep down it is related to our fear of death, which leads us to rejoice every time a child is born or the industry surprises us with an absolutely unexpected product.

In this framework, if we look for the word brand new in a thesaurus we find others that reflect precisely this idea: new, modern, current, recent and fresh . It is everything that exudes youth and energy from its vertices, and that is why it excites us so much.

When someone describes a creation or a person with this adjective, they may also do so to provoke the competition in some way. For example, by saying that a company has presented its brand new state-of-the-art television, it can seek to get others to react with a competitive proposal. And new life always comes to announce that the elderly have completed another stage and that they are inevitably approaching their death.

It is important to note that no one describes themselves in this way, unless they do so in a humorous tone or if they are a very peculiar character: just as with any other adjective used as a compliment , we should expect that the Others use it to refer to us.