Definition of



The crime that is being carried out at the moment is classified as flagrant.

Flagrant is something that flags ; that is, it burns or shines like fire . The concept is used to name something that is currently running or that is so obvious that it does not need proof .

For example: “People were outraged by the deputy's flagrant lie,” “I am not going to allow him to commit a flagrant falsehood about me,” “The deception was flagrant: there will be no forgiveness.”

Flagrant crime

In the field of criminal offense , flagrante delicto is understood as one that is being carried out at the precise moment . The flagrant, therefore, has to do with immediacy and the possibility of detecting the crime at the same moment in which it is being committed.

The flagrant nature of a crime has direct consequences on the law . In a case of flagrante delicto, the police can enter a private home without judicial authorization to prevent the crime from continuing. Finding an offender inflagranti , on the other hand, facilitates the criminal procedure on the guilt of the accused.

If a police cruiser is traveling down the street and the officers observe how a person pushes another person and snatches their belongings, the police officers will be able to get out of the vehicle and capture the offender. In this way, the assailant can be arrested for the flagrante delicto.

One of the advantages of an arrest of this type is that the agents have direct visual and auditory contact with the crime scene at the time it is being committed, which considerably facilitates the process of proving the criminal's guilt.

When the person found committing a flagrant crime occupies a public position that is considered authorized, which in a normal situation would prevent a police officer from arresting him without a specific request, this requirement can also be ignored, in order to to stop the spread of crime before it is too late.


In basketball, an unsportsmanlike foul is known as a flagrant foul.

The term in basketball

In basketball , a flagrant foul or unsportsmanlike foul is one that a judge calls when a player has no intention of playing the ball. The usual thing is that these fouls are sanctioned if the athlete only intends to hit his rival or if he wants to stop an attack situation by illegal means.

The flagrant foul is considered a serious personal foul and consists of excessive physical contact between two players, or the use of violence with the intention of causing damage. It differs from an intentional foul, which is admitted as an allowed tactic within the game and whose purpose is to stop the clock.

The promulgation of the flagrant foul rule took place in the 90s to try to discourage contacts that put the health and safety of players at risk, in addition to clearly going against the foundations of basketball. The NBA recognizes two different levels of flagrant foul, which it names by an order number (1 or 2), and each referee has the discretion to determine what type each infraction is.

A flagrant foul 2 entails the immediate expulsion of the player who committed it; On the other hand, if someone receives two flagrant 1s during the same game, they are also inevitably sent off. Likewise, it is worth mentioning that there are monetary fines that constantly increase for those who commit this type of infractions, and the NBA Commissioner has the possibility of suspending those players who abuse them, if they deem it appropriate.

When an unwanted play occurs, the existence of this rule allows the offender to be penalized in a marked manner, since in addition to the potential fines and the possibility of being sent off or suspended, he is granted possession of the ball and the awarding of free kicks. to the opposite team.