Definition of

Binary fission


To observe, recognize and study characteristics and behaviors of microorganisms, the microscope is essential.

Binary fission is a common form of asexual reproduction among protozoa , unicellular microorganisms included in the domain Archaea , and prokaryotic microorganisms that are included in the domain Bacteria .

This mechanism, also called bipartition, is based on a process in which the cytoplasm divides in two. Before this instance, the multiplication of DNA (acronym of the English language that refers to deoxyribonucleic acid, identified in Spanish with the acronym DNA ) takes place. The result is the generation of a pair of daughter cells from a mother cell .

It should be noted that this entire cycle is so fast that it ends up facilitating both the colonization and adaptation of single-celled living beings, since the level of mutations is usually high and, in this way, resistant bacteria emerge that are increasingly better adapted to their environment. .

Depending on how the division occurs, it will also be a binary fission classified as regular (with symmetry in both parts, which have identical dimensions or proportions); amoeba type (if the segmentation of the cytoplasm is irregular but is perpendicular to the axis of the mitotic spindle); longitudinal (typical of flagellated protozoa , for example); transverse (typical of ciliate protists ) or oblique (in this case, the division process begins longitudinally but later ends in a direction parallel to rows of cilia ).

Stages of binary fission

Binary fission encompasses multiple stages, as we mentioned above.

The cell cycle is directed towards the evolution of a cell and its subsequent division. DNA (or DNA) duplication is vital in this context.

Biology experts also appeal to the concept of karyokinesis , since this defines cellular reproduction that includes the segmentation of chromosomes longitudinally and the partition of both the cytoplasm and the nucleus. The definition endorsed by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) is brief, concrete and clear: the phenomenon linked to mitosis by which the nucleus of a cell ends up divided is known as karyokinesis .

The notion of cytokinesis also becomes relevant, since it describes the fractionation of the cytoplasm with the purpose of distributing itself between one daughter cell and another, thus leading to obtaining the product of meiosis .


Bacterial cell division is carried out through a process known as binary fission.

Conditions for bacterial growth and reproduction

Certain conditions must be met and multiple phases considered to facilitate bacterial growth and reproduction at a certain speed.

First of all, for sustained bacterial growth , the right temperature for each type of bacteria must be recorded. The same with the pH range: it has to be precise so that the cell membrane remains stable. As a reference to understand the speed that can be achieved in multiplication : it has been established that Escherichia coli , to mention a specific bacteria , when conditions are favorable manages to divide every approximately twenty minutes, exceeding a period of less than twelve hours the 8 thousand 500 million copies.

Four stages are recognized in this process. The initial one is the adaptation phase (moment in which the bacteria settle and mature but without yet a chance to segment).

The exponential growth phase then continues (instance where cell duplication is recorded) and, later, the stationary phase is entered (there the bacterial growth rate decreases). In the final section, both a decline phase and the so-called death phase are distinguished due to the scarcity or absence of nutrients.

Study of binary fission

The study of binary fission is carried out using different tools and techniques.

Microscopy is essential for microbiology experts to observe different microorganisms through the microscope.

A very common method to reproduce or multiply microorganisms is the cultivation of bacteria , a scientific test that, for example, contributes to the detection of germs responsible for a certain disease.

Staining , the bacterial colony counting technique and genetic analysis are also resources taken into account by researchers who focus on characteristics, behaviors and other issues associated with microorganisms.


Cells that share genes, that is, that are identical, arise from a mode of asexual reproduction called binary fission.

Importance and applications

Binary fission has importance in science and applications in a multitude of fields of study and activities.

Although there are problems, obstacles and challenges that connect binary fission with realities linked to pathogens, resistance to antibiotics and even environmental contamination , working with a focus on binary fission gives advantages and benefits in multiple disciplines. With the advancement of technology, there is even a promising future linked to innovations that are believed to benefit the environment and human health, for example.

Nowadays, binary fission is useful and of interest in research on cell biology and genetics ; biotechnology and microbiology ; and the creation of chemical products, among other areas.