Definition of


living beings

Physiology studies the functions of living beings.

Physiology is the science whose object of study is the functions of organic beings . The term derives from the Latin word physiologia ( "knowledge of nature" ), although it has Greek origin.

To be more specific, we must clarify that, in general, the natural sciences are responsible for the study of inanimate objects and living beings ; chemistry , in particular, of the transformations of matter; the physics of energy changes; while physical chemistry analyzes those changes that are produced by the combination of modifications in matter and energy (chemical and physical).

Through the scientific method and experimentation, this science is able to know how living beings change within an environment and establish rules that determine the behavior of matter and energy over the course of life.

What is physiology

At the same time, within the natural sciences there are three great ways of understanding life , through morphology (studies the structure of living beings and their evolution), physiology (based on the study of the particular phenomena of living beings and the laws that govern their existence) and biology (studies the relationships established between an organism and its environment).

Thanks to the use of principles of exact sciences, physiology is responsible for studying the interactions of the basic elements of the living being with its environment . Its main objective is to understand the functional processes of living organisms and all their elements.

biological science

Human physiology analyzes how people's bodies work.

Classification according to type

It is also possible to distinguish, within this part of the biological sciences, various branches, where each one is responsible for studying a particular structure; In this way , human or animal physiology and plant physiology exist. Human physiology and animal physiology are related given their similarities since they belong to the same animal kingdom.

With regard to animal physiology, it is important to mention that one of the study elements on which specialists base their research is homeostasis ( "similar position" or "similar stability" ) to describe the persistence of constant conditions in the internal environment. This constancy is produced by the functions of organs and tissues.

Plant physiology, for its part, focuses on the analysis of the functioning of plant tissues and organs. One of the central processes of this physiology is photosynthesis , which involves the use of light to convert inorganic matter from the external environment into organic matter that is used in development .

Organisms that develop photosynthesis are called photoautotrophs (capable of fixing atmospheric carbon dioxide) or autotrophs . The process of photosynthesis in plants involves the release of oxygen into the atmosphere, which contributes to human life and the reduction of pollution .

Origins of physiology as a science

The study of nature based on physiological issues is extremely old, however this science as such was not established until a few centuries ago .

Over the years and research, things were discovered such as the great difference that existed between muscles and tendons (which in the time of Aristotle were confused) that collaborated with the enrichment of science, until leading to its formation, with all the laws that derived from the study of living beings.

It is important to note, however, that physiology is a pure science so it should not be taken only as a subject for immediate applications, but rather it should serve to develop treatises and long-term studies on the general principles of the life of animals. living beings.