Definition of



The ordered series of elements arranged in a line is called a row.

The French word file came to our language as fila . This is the name given to an ordered series of individuals or elements that are arranged online .

For example: “Please stand in the row on the left and wait your turn to be served” , “I wanted to buy a ticket for the concert but there was a line of hundreds of meters” , “I had to stop in the middle of the road so that he could cross a line of ducks.”

rows of people

The rows are usually columns of people . This is a common method of organization when shifts have to be established or when order has to be achieved to do something. In supermarkets, for example, lines form in front of the checkouts. Customers make their purchases and, when it is time to pay, they head towards the corresponding sector: if other buyers arrived before, the line will spontaneously form.

There are also usually lines to enter an enclosure . Suppose there are thousands of people who want to enter a stadium to watch a soccer game. So that all spectators can pass through the door, it is essential that a line is formed and that they pass in quantities according to the dimensions of the access.

Respect for positions and order

Queuing as a form of organization is something very old, and we usually learn it during childhood. At school, for example, it is normal for students to form a line to enter and exit the building, but also at commemorative events and other events that require the transfer of all the students of the center from one part to another. Because of this, teachers can monitor their entire group more effectively than if they simply asked everyone to follow them.

Learning to respect the position in line is essential to behave appropriately in adulthood, when we have to wait before being served at the bank or supermarket, for example; Unfortunately, some people prefer to skip this basic rule of coexistence and go ahead of others, something that usually does not end well if someone complains and asks the security guards for help.


In a spreadsheet, rows are cells that can be selected horizontally.

Rows in spreadsheets

In spreadsheets, the term row is used to refer to all groups of cells that can be selected horizontally. These documents are prepared for the manipulation of numerical and alphanumeric data, which are arranged in tables that are made up of cells. At first glance, the cells form a grid divided into rows and columns.

Although all cells are part of a row and a column , these last two concepts are used to organize and format the data. For example, if we want to create a table with the expenses for each month, we can place the name of each month in one row and the respective amounts in the next; In more complex cases, such as a list of clients with their personal data, we can have a column for the "name", another for the "address" and another for the "email address", for example, all data that will go in the same row for each client.

Other uses of the term

The expression “in a row” , on the other hand, can refer to a succession of consecutive events. If a sports journalist states that a team has lost four games in a row, he or she will be referring to the fact that the team in question has lost four in a row (that is, it has lost its last four games).

Fila , finally, is the name of a sports clothing brand founded in Italy and the name of a breed of dog native to Brazil (the Brazilian Fila ).