Definition of



The nails allow you to fix different objects.

More than a dozen meanings of fix appear in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). The term comes from medieval Latin fixare , in turn coming from Latin fixus (which derives from figĕre , translatable as “nail” ).

According to the first meaning mentioned by the RAE , the action of fixing consists of inserting, embedding or embedding an element in a different one . This process can be carried out in multiple ways.

How to fix an object

The fixing method depends on the characteristics of the objects, especially their materials . Pinning a piece of paper to a cork board is not the same as pinning a wooden picture to a cement wall.

A common resource for fixing is the use of nails . These elongated pieces of metal have a head (on which you can hit) and a tip (which is introduced into a surface from impacts on the aforementioned head). When assembling a piece of furniture, for example, different panels can be fixed to each other using nails.

Screws have a similar function. In this case, the prior development of a hole is required, into which the threaded screw is inserted. Screws can fix different parts of a machine , to mention one possibility.

The use of glues also serves to fix. Self-adhesive paper of the Post -It type can be attached to a sheet, a sheet, a billboard, etc., thanks to the glue it has on one of its edges.


Post-It papers are self-adhesive and can be easily attached to different surfaces.

Posters on public roads

It is common to find in different places a sign with the following expression: “Posting signs is prohibited.” The order is usually funny since, precisely, it is made known through the posting of a sign .

Although the scope of this prohibition depends on each legislation, it usually aims to prevent the dissemination of advertising in public spaces such as squares and parks. In this way we seek to maintain cleanliness and order.

Anyone who violates this rule that makes it impossible to post signs can be punished with an administrative fine. In this way, the sanctioned individual is forced to pay a certain sum.

Set as establish or specify

It is important to keep in mind that the act of fixing does not always apply to a physical or material procedure: it is possible to fix concepts and ideas , which implies specifying them, establishing them, determining them or assimilating them.

Suppose two people are negotiating the sale of a car. After several conversations, they manage to set the conditions of the agreement . The buyer agrees to pay $10,000 for the vehicle, while the seller agrees to fix the car's paint before delivering it.

Let's now imagine a history teacher who is teaching a class on the French Revolution . To establish the most important notions of the topic (that is, so that they are clear and the students can incorporate and understand them easily), make a timeline and a summary table on the board.

An intense application

Fixing certain things, finally, is equivalent to applying them with intensity . An example of this use is found with the gaze .

Take the case of a family, consisting of a father, mother and two children, who is sitting in a park, sharing a lunch. The man discovers that there is a young man hanging around in a suspicious manner, which could have criminal intent. Given this reasoning, the father of the family fixes his gaze on the boy, trying to see clearly what he is doing and thus preparing to react to a possible attack.