Definition of



The external appearance of the body is known as the figure.

Originating in the Latin figūra , the notion of figure can be used in multiple contexts and with different meanings. A figure is, among other things, the appearance or external appearance of a body or object , through which it can be distinguished from others. In a similar sense, a figure is known as any statue, sculpture or work of art that reproduces the characteristic forms of animals or men , and a drawing that reflects human bodies.

For example: «The model seduced everyone present with her slender figure» , «The figure of the Spanish king is the favorite of tourists who come to the museum» , «In this figure, the man's body has been left asymmetrical» .

The literary figures

In relation to art we can express that we also use this term in the field of literature. In this specific case, what we are talking about is rhetorical figures , which are those resources that the poet in question uses to praise or give greater expressiveness to what his emotions or feelings are.

Among the main literary figures are, for example, allegory or simile . The latter is a resource through which two elements are related with the clear objective of "marking" the similarities or differences between them.

In the same way, we cannot ignore other figures, such as the case of prosopopoeia , which is frequently used in the field of fables and stories since it consists of attributing a series of human characteristics or abilities to both animals and various people. inanimate beings.

Hyperbole , which is used to establish an exaggerated view of some specific aspect of reality, or metaphor , with which a comparison is made between two elements, are other of the most used literary figures. The latter, in particular, can be shown through examples such as the following: "the clouds are like cotton in our sky" , "your teeth are like pearls" or "their horses are made of gold" .

Antithesis , alliteration , asyndeton , oxymoron or synesthesia are added to the long list of existing rhetorical and literary figures that are used by writers to underline their words for the sake of emotion or poetry.


A geometric figure is a set of lines that make it possible to represent an object.

Other uses of the term

On the other hand, the suits that, in a deck of cards, represent people, are called figures. Therefore, it must be said that the king, the knight and the jack are figures.

In geometry , a figure is a line or a set of lines that serve the purpose of representing an object. The surface delimited by closed lines (such as a square or a rectangle) is also called a figure. Musical notation, on the other hand, knows the sign of a note or a silence as a figure.

That person who stands out in a certain activity is usually called a figure: "Lionel Messi is the main figure in world football" , "Tom Hanks, George Cloney and Antonio Banderas are some of the figures who participated in the filming" , "This team "It needs new figures to succeed."

In this case, the concept of figure is used in a similar way to that of star ( "Lionel Messi is the main star of world football" ).