Definition of



A file is a document where different data can be recorded.

A file is a document in which certain data is recorded (general, bibliographic, police, etc.). The token (from the French fiche ) is usually small in size and rectangular in shape, so that it can be easily stored in a file. For example: "Now I look at the file and confirm what year this book was published" , "To join the club, you have to complete this file" , "María will add the new data to your file" .

The sheet or cardboard that allows you to control the entries and exits of the work is also known as a card. Nowadays, these tokens can also be managed through a digital document: "The boss is furious: he has just analyzed the monthly token and found that you have been late six times," "I would like to make the token disappear so that they do not deduct me." presentism» .

A frequent use of the record is linked to the recording of the main characteristics of a book, a report or an investigation . In this way, it is possible to know the contents of a given publication by simply reading the file, which facilitates the tasks of filing and searching for information: "The file must include the title of the work, the name of the author, the date of edition and a summary of your argument » , «Excuse me, could you help me? I can't find the file for this book .

Paper cards

Paper cards are the predecessors of current database records , which are stored in the memory of a computer. Although today it is enough to have a moderately efficient processor to find the desired information in a matter of seconds (depending on the volume of the database and the technical specifications of the equipment, the minimum time can be a fraction of a second), the search on paper tokens depended on a number of different factors.

On the one hand, the skill of the person in charge of reviewing a file was key to minimizing search time; But efficiency in this phase was of no use if the storage process had not followed a well-defined order and structure. The organization of a file must focus on the needs of those who will use the data contained therein; Therefore, there is no one design that works in all cases.

The characteristics of the fields

As in creating a digital database, not all fields must be essential, but it is important that they be useful; Otherwise, they entail unnecessary waste of space and have a negative impact on sorting and searching .

First of all, it is necessary to have a field that allows the files to be filed in an orderly manner; To do this, it is possible to use various data, such as the date of creation, an identification number that increases one by one, or a letter. Depending on the case, it is possible to combine several methods, to give rise to a more complex organization ; For example, sort the files by the initial of the clients' last name and, in turn, by the date of discharge.


Chips are common in casinos.

Chips as small pieces

In another sense, the token is a small piece that is used to open or close barriers, operate certain machines or establish communications. In the past, before the birth of mobile phones, the only way to make a phone call from the street was through public telephones, which initially did not accept coins (as they do today) but rather specially designed tokens. , which could be obtained in certain stores.

The pieces that are used in some games or that replace coins in casinos are also called chips: "I am going to change more chips to play roulette " , "We will not be able to play dominoes since I have lost some of the chips» .