Definition of


Before delving into the meaning of the term fiber, it is necessary to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from "fiber", which has the same meaning.

The notion of fiber has several uses. The term can be used to refer to the filaments that make up the tissues of an animal or plant organism.

FiberMuscle fibers , in this framework, are the contractile cells that make up muscle tissue. These fibers shorten when the muscle is subjected to a stimulus: after this contraction, the fiber recovers.

A nerve fiber , meanwhile, consists of one or more axons surrounded by an envelope. The function of these fibers is to transport nerve impulses to the brain and to the glands and muscles.

Fiber, on the other hand, is the name for a food component with healthy characteristics. Although they are not nutrients, fibers - present in legumes, cereals, vegetables and fruits - improve digestion .

In addition to improving digestion, it is recommended to eat foods rich in fiber because they bring with them another series of advantages, among which we can highlight the following:

-Avoid constipation problems.

-They prevent the appearance of heart-type diseases.

-They help reduce blood glucose levels.

-They significantly reduce cholesterol.

-They help keep the intestine in perfect condition.

-Reduce the risk of suffering from colon cancer.

-They help keep weight under control.

Specifically, among the foods that are considered richest in fiber are plums, spinach, walnuts, figs, artichokes , almonds, pears, bananas or asparagus, for example.

It is important to establish that when talking about fiber in terms of nutrition , there are two different types:

-Soluble fiber, which is identified because it reduces cholesterol. Likewise, it should be noted that it causes the digestive process to be slow. This group includes foods such as lentils or nuts.

-Insoluble fiber, which brings with it an acceleration in the passage of food through the stomach and intestines. These range from whole grains to wheat bran, for example.

In the field of industry , a fiber is a filament with different uses. If we focus on the textile sector, fibers are the threads that can be used for the development of threads and fabrics. There are natural fibers (obtained from nature), artificial fibers (from natural materials but processed by humans) and synthetic fibers (man-made). Silk, wool, cotton, and nylon are examples of textile fibers.

Optical fiber , on the other hand, is the glass thread that allows data to be transmitted. Fiber optics are used in telecommunications networks to transport light pulses that enable the representation of information .

In a symbolic way, finally, fiber is called vigor and sensitivity . For example: "The team lacks fiber," "This movie touched my inner fiber and really moved me."