Definition of


CelebrationThe act and result of celebrating is called celebration : celebrating, honoring, acclaiming. The concept usually refers to the event that is held to commemorate something and with the intention that attendees enjoy a good time.

For example: “Next Saturday the celebration will be held for the tenth anniversary of the opening of the museum” , “Today we are celebrating: my son turns 12” , “The company will organize an end-of-year celebration in a restaurant in the downtown area.”

As an event, a celebration is a party or celebration . There are celebrations that are shared by the entire society and always take place on the same date: the celebration of national independence , the end of the year celebration , the celebration for the arrival of spring , etc. Other celebrations arise spontaneously or are organized because of a special event, such as a work achievement or academic success.

In some cases, therefore, the celebration entails a monetary investment, either by the State (such as when it is carried out to celebrate the beginning of a season of the year or to remember some event of national importance) or good of an individual (in this case any event that a person wishes to celebrate is valid).

Certain cities stand out especially for the importance they give to celebrations, and this is usually associated with tourist activities, since leisure trips seek realities far from the obligations and structures of work and responsibilities. Spanish fairs , for example, include festivities that attract people from all over the world every summer.

The militants of a political party, to cite one case, hold celebrations when the candidates they support win the elections . The supporters of a basketball team, for their part, celebrate when the team wins an important game or becomes champion .

The celebrations of political parties acquire a lot of relevance, since they are broadcast by the mass media, and they also have the other side of the suffering, so to speak, of the party that has been the loser. Despite being very serious issues that define the future of a country and the development possibilities of its people, political elections always focus more on competition than on everything that is at stake.

CelebrationBeyond this meaning as an event or a happening, the notion of celebration can also refer to a gesture, an exclamation or a spontaneous or unplanned behavior that takes place in a moment of joy and happiness. When scoring a goal , a soccer player's celebration can include shouting, jumping and hugging with his teammates.

In this context, the spontaneous celebrations carried out by each individual depend largely on their personality and the situation in which they find themselves. Shyness and introversion play a very important role in these cases, since many people express only a small part of their enthusiasm when faced with good news, even though inside they feel immense joy.

On the other hand, being among friends or trusted people can be key for these individuals and allow them to express many emotions more than if they are in an environment that makes them uncomfortable. Of course, the most extroverted usually find it easy to express themselves in any area, as if they were always at home.

Perhaps the most important point of a celebration is the environment : to celebrate an event we need to be with our loved ones, those special individuals who love us and whom we love in an incomparable way.