Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term hardware store, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can point out that it is a word that derives from Latin since it is the result of the sum of several lexical components of said language:

-The noun "ferro", which can be translated as "iron".

-The diminutive «-ete».

-The suffix "-ería", which is used to indicate "place where they sell or have."

A hardware store is a place intended for the sale of metal and other products that are useful for carrying out construction , repair and DIY tasks. The individual in charge of the establishment is known as a hardware store owner . For example: "I'm going to go to the hardware store to buy nails so I can assemble the furniture," "The door handle broke, we have to buy another one at the hardware store," "What time does the hardware store open?" "I need some screws."

HardwareThe variety of elements that can be found in a hardware store is very wide, although it depends on each store . Nails , screws , nuts and washers are usually not missing. It is also common for them to sell the tools used to work with these objects, such as hammers , screwdrivers , and pliers .

Many times hardware stores are similar to locksmith shops since they offer locks and keys. In some cases, they also sell blinds, curtains, glue, small furniture, ladders and gardening utensils.

Among the garden items that they have for sale and that can be found in any hardware store are pruning shears, gloves, pots, planters, mosquito nets, brush cutters, hedge trimmers...

In the same way, we cannot ignore that some hardware stores have chosen to expand their field of business and have begun to introduce decoration products and even household items into their catalogue.

There are large hardware store chains with several branches in the same city or region. There are also small hardware stores that are usually family or even individual businesses. In any city in the world it is possible to find a good number of hardware stores since their products are very important in daily life.

Ferrymas, Cadena 88, Optimus or Ferrokey are some of the hardware store chains that exist in Spain.

If a person wants to hang a picture and does not have nails or a hammer, they should go to a hardware store. Anyone who wants to repair a faucet, change the belt on a blind or install a security lock on a door has to do the same, to mention some of the actions that require hardware elements.

In addition to the physical hardware stores that we can find spread all over the world, there are also online ones. These in Spain began to operate in the decade of the 90s when the traditional ones realized that the Internet was very powerful, that it was being used more and more and that, in addition, it could allow them to expand their client portfolio.

In this way, they opened their stores on the Internet and today we can buy any hardware item in this way to receive it comfortably at home.