Definition of


FelineA feline is an animal that belongs to the family group of felids : carnivorous and digitigrade mammals , whose hind legs have four fingers and the front legs have five fingers, with retractable nails, a short snout and a rounded head. In its most common use, the idea of ​​feline (from the Latin felīnus ) refers to what is linked to cats , which make up the group of felids.

Felines, according to the aforementioned characteristics, can feed on meat (they are carnivores) and move using only their fingers (they are digitigrade). In addition to cats, other felines include lions , tigers , leopards , and pumas .

Beyond the differences between feline species , it can be said that all these animals share certain characteristics, such as good eyesight, the acuity of their auditory sense and a slender body. Cats are great hunters who use their claws to capture prey and then kill it with one bite.

Due to the action of man , there are species of felines that are in danger of extinction . This situation was reached by indiscriminate hunting and the destruction of the animals' natural habitats.

Among the feline species that are in danger of extinction we can mention the following:

* snow leopard : its habitat is in the mountains of Central Asia, where temperatures are extremely low. This beautiful feline suffers from indiscriminate hunting for its precious fur, and that has decreased its number to a worrying level;

* Iberian lynx : this species of feline suffers an even greater threat than the previous one, and in some cases its killing occurs in road accidents, since its natural paths have been interfered with by humans. Needless to say, poaching is another of its main sources of destruction;

* Sumatran tiger : very few individuals of this species remain and they live in Indonesia, specifically on the island of Sumatra. Although there is a law in force that protects them from hunters, clandestinity triumphs over justice;

Feline* clouded leopard : it is considered vulnerable, since hunters look for it for its beautiful fur, its bones and its teeth. In addition to the direct killing of which this feline is a victim, it must also endure a gradual destruction of its natural habitat. The few individuals that remain alive are found in the Himalayas and South Asia.

The feline most accustomed to living with humans is the domestic cat ( Felis silvestris catus ). Cats have lived with people for about 9,500 years . Despite being considered companion animals ( pets ), cats are naturally predators and have numerous species among their potential prey. There are cats that hunt pigeons, sparrows, rats or lizards, and then approach their owners to show them the prey: it is believed that their intention with this measure is to strengthen the emotional bond by contributing, with their hunting, to the group.

Felines have a way of moving through their environment that distinguishes them from the rest of the best-known species, since they do so with apparent delicacy, with total control over their actions, but always without losing their beauty and impetus. They are powerful but tender animals, which impress with their fur but also enjoy leisure like almost any other living being.

Since the beauty and cunning of felines are two of the aspects that most people appreciate, it is common to label as "feline" someone who acts trying to deceive others through the use of their appearance or sophisticated techniques of deception.