Definition of

phases of the moon

lunar cycle

The new moon, the full moon and the last quarter are some of the most popularly recognized phases of the moon.

Phases of the moon is the expression used in Spanish to refer to each apparent change experienced by the part of the aforementioned natural satellite that, thanks to the light from the sun that is reflected on its surface, is illuminated and is noticeable, at first glance. view, from Earth .

The cycle is incessant and on our planet this process generates that, throughout a lunar month (a period made up of 29.53 days), we appreciate a greater or lesser amount of illuminated portion. Experts on the subject have confirmed that this phenomenon responds to the rotation that the moon makes around the Earth , a movement that causes all phases to go through in the span of a lunar month . The time that passes between one new moon and another (thus completing the circuit), according to astronomical specialists, is known as lunation .

Each lunar cycle , made up of eight phases , begins with each new moon and is reflected in the lunar calendar , which therefore uses lunations (or synodic months) to offer a calculation or measurement of seasonal time. after season.

What are the phases of the moon

Below we will list what the phases of the moon are and share the distinctive features of each one.

The beginning of the lunar cycle is marked by the new moon which, as it is a consequence of an alignment of the satellite between the sun and our planet, cannot be seen from the Earth's surface. When, taking into consideration the view from Earth , the moon is perfectly aligned with the sun, the concept of eclipse comes into play. The applications of this notion give rise to two modalities: solar eclipse (generated by a movement of the moon in front of the sun, which is why the light of the star does not reach the Earth , where, when this happens, a moment of daytime darkness is noticed by shadow) and lunar eclipse (in this case it is the Earth that is responsible for preventing solar lighting from reaching the moon , which is why the lunar glow – and its reddish hue during a total lunar eclipse – comes from sunsets and sunrises that are happening in different parts of our planet).

The new moon is left behind when the crescent moon arrives, which night after night appears to be getting wider and wider. The sequence continues with the crescent , an instance characterized by one half of the moon that is shrouded in shadow while the remaining half has illumination. As the shadowed portion gains light, the phase of the moon classified as waxing gibbous unfolds to later enjoy a full moon (fully illuminated, a feature that indicates that the middle of the lunar month has been reached).

Towards the final stretch of the cycle, the waning gibbous stage is distinguished (when the satellite's brightness begins to decrease), continuing with the waning quarter (similar to the period called the crescent quarter but alternating the illuminated lunar face) and culminating with the waning moon. (with a dynamic similar to that of the crescent moon although in the opposite direction).

moon walk

Getting to the moon and getting to know the satellite in depth has always been a great challenge for humanity. When reviewing history it is inevitable to refer to astronaut Neil Armstrong, the Apollo 11 manned mission and the myths, doubts and controversies associated with the flag on the moon that was flown on the surface.

The moon as a symbol

The moon as a symbol is present in multiple cultures and areas.

Within Greek mythology , to propose a specific case, the moon is associated with fertility, the force of nature and especially feminine power. Selene , a titan who represented the Earth 's natural satellite , is one of the deities worshiped in Ancient Greece .

A review of all the lunar goddesses regains visibility, among others, Mama Quilla , Killa or Mother Moon worshiped by the Inca people and Metzi (or Meztli ) present in Mexica mythology as a god who ended up characterized with feminine features to consecrate himself. as goddess of the moon .

It is also curious to know that, as a result of a legend of Nahuatl origin, the idea of ​​connecting rabbits with the moon became popular, a satellite that has been inspiring painters, musical composers and writers for years. Many people believe they can see, with the naked eye, the silhouette of an animal of this species on the illuminated face of the moon, an image that arises from a creative interpretation of the lunar craters .

On the other hand, it is enriching in cultural matters to be aware of the importance that the moon achieved in the creation of calendars . Calculations referring to lunar movements and how the Earth rotates, to point out a specific case, mark the bases of the Chinese calendar .

The lunar calendar is even essential to both the structure of the Islamic calendar and that of the Hebrew calendar .


When the Earth is in the middle of the moon and the sun, a portion of shadow appears that, due to the lack of sunlight, causes the moon to darken, a panorama identified as a lunar eclipse.

Influence of lunar phases

To find out the level of influence of the lunar phases on a considerable number of phenomena, processes and realities, numerous investigations have been carried out. In addition, different theories or beliefs have been studied in order to establish how much truth they have or if, in fact, they are myths.

In this framework, it has been confirmed that, as a consequence of gravity (or gravitational force ), there is a link between the lunar state and the tides . For decades, there has also been a lot of debate and writing about how the moon and its phases can condition menstruation or exert some type of influence on it.

Likewise, to provide more details in this regard, attention has been paid to the effect of the moon on fishing , which is why the most experienced fishermen suggest being guided by the lunar calendar .