Definition of



It is possible to recognize different phases in sleep.

Before entering fully into the definition of the term phase, we are going to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can point out that it is a word that derives from Greek, specifically from “phasis”, which can be translated as “appearance” or “manifestation”.

This is what each successive state of a project , a phenomenon, an exercise, etc. is called. For example: “The construction of the sports center has already entered the final phase,” “In this phase of the venture we are not so interested in profitability, but rather we want to position our products,” “The Chilean player will not be available for the group stage of the tournament.”

Sleep phases

In the same way, we also come across the fact that there are phases in the dream process. Specifically, there are basically four: phase I or drowsiness stage, phase II or light sleep stage, phase III or transition stage and phase IV, which also responds to the name deep sleep stage.

Not to mention that there is the so-called REM phase, which is also known as the stage of paradoxical sleep, which lasts a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes and takes up around 25% of the sleep process.

The stages of labor

It should be noted that childbirth also has phases:

-Dilation, which is when the cervix dilates and the head of the fetus begins to descend through the birth canal.

-Expulsive, which is when the final stretch of labor begins.

-Birth, which takes place when the woman expels the placenta to the outside.


The lunar phases are the various shapes adopted by the Moon according to solar illumination.

Phases in electricity and chemistry

In the context of electricity , the intensity or value of the electromotive force, at a certain moment, of an alternating current is called phase. In the case of a polyphase current, the alternating current is called phase.

An electricity generation, distribution and consumption system that is made up of a single alternating current therefore has only one phase: it is a single-phase system . The system that is based on two alternating electrical voltages is called a two-phase system ; the one that uses three voltages, triphasic .

For chemistry , phases are the homogeneous parts that can be physically separated in a system that has one or more components. These are macroscopic sectors with homogeneous physical properties.

The concept in astronomy

In astronomy , finally, the phases are the shapes or appearances that the Moon adopts according to the illumination of the Sun. The lunar phases are established according to the apparent modification of the visible part that is illuminated, a change linked to the position with respect to the Sun and planet Earth .

There are nine lunar phases: the new Moon , the waxing moon , the full Moon , the waning Moon and the black Moon are some of them.

Movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”

Nor can we ignore that there is a film that has the word in question in its title.

We are referring to “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” (1977), which is part of the science fiction genre and was directed by Steven Spielberg. In Latin American countries, this film was known as “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”