Definition of

street lamp


Streetlights are used for public lighting.

The notion of streetlight refers to a large lantern . It generally has different arms with their respective lights, which are used to illuminate public spaces such as streets and squares.

To understand what a streetlight is, you must first focus on the idea of ​​a streetlight . The term refers to a structure of transparent material, inside which a light is placed. The idea of ​​lantern is also used to name a street lamp that has a single light.

Street lights in public lighting

Public lighting is the service that illuminates places of free circulation. Thanks to this lighting , people can move around and carry out activities at night, when there is no longer natural light.

The streetlights, in this framework, are very important. It is common for public lighting to be made up of numerous streetlights and other devices of different types that guarantee brightness .

The remote origins of street lighting are linked to the development of the human ability to control fire . This made it possible to create torches and later, luminaires that used wicks and oil .

Already in the 16th century, public lighting began to be regulated with street lamps. In the 19th century, gas began to be used; At that time, lamplighters were in charge of manual lighting.


Streetlights can use different types of lamps.

The emergence of electricity

In 1875 the first electric streetlights were installed for public lighting. The city of Paris ( France ) was a pioneer: a few years later, there were already thousands of streetlights in use.

In Latin America , San José ( Costa Rica ) was the first town to establish a system of this type. Over time, electric streetlights adopted different types of lamps : incandescent, fluorescent, etc.

Today streetlights for public lighting usually have sodium vapor lamps or LEDs . In general, a balance is sought between energy expenditure and efficiency.

Power and lighting of streetlights

Typically, streetlights are connected to the electrical distribution network . In this way, they are supplied with the energy they need for their proper functioning.

Regarding ignition, there are different methods. In some cases, remote ignition is used through radio frequency or another system . They can also be turned on by programming with a clock or by appealing to a photoelectric cell.

Restaurants and companies

Streetlight is a term that is also used to name various commercial ventures. La Farola de Santa Fe , for example, is a restaurant located in the City of Buenos Aires ( Argentina ) and specializes in Milanese and pizzas.

Also in Argentina , although in the Buenos Aires town of Martínez , is La Farola Express , a gastronomic establishment that opened its doors in 1996 . In Asunción ( Paraguay ), La Farola offers buffet per kilogram of hot and cold meals , desserts and breakfasts, among other alternatives.

Farola , on the other hand, is the name of an Argentine children's clothing store located in La Plata . In addition to clothing, it sells eco-friendly toys, cloth diapers and other products .