Definition of


Harbor light

The port lights are large lanterns used at night

The Greek word phanárion derived from the Italian word fanale . That is the closest etymological antecedent of lantern , a term that in our language refers to different artifacts and objects linked to lighting .

Big night lantern

The first meaning of lantern mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to the large lantern that is installed in a coastal area with the aim of its light functioning as a signal at night.

These lanterns are usually located in towers that are built in ports . Thanks to the beacon, it is possible to give warnings to sailors from land.

boat lantern

Another use of lantern that is associated with the universe of navigation refers to the large lanterns that were located at the stern of the boats. These lanterns were used as a command insignia, used in patron and captain galleys, in addition to their basic lighting function so as not to lose sight of the various ships that were part of each squadron.

The lantern galleys were the most important, because their captains had enough authority to use this lantern. The position, both relative and absolute, and the arrangement of the lanterns on each boat had a well-defined meaning, especially since the 17th century, to the point that it was enough to take a look at them to know what rank it was:

* royal captains : they had three lanterns of the same shape and size, aligned above the pole;

* Captain galleys : they also carried three, but they were positioned like the vertices of a triangle , placing the central one (which was the largest) at a higher point and the other two at the same height;

* royal patron : she wore two lanterns of the same size, centered;

* patrons of the squad : they carried a centered lantern;

* simple galleys : they could have a saint or a figure in the center, whether of a profane or religious nature, which served to identify it. In addition, it had two small lanterns, one on each end of the pole.

lantern fishing

Continuing in the field of boats, the lamp that fishing vessels use with the intention of attracting fish can be called a lantern. Sardines, herring and anchovies are some of the species that are attracted to light. Another name for this activity is purse seine fishing .

In short, the objective of this type of fishing is to enclose the fish and then leave it trapped in the net . First, fishermen must spot the school they want to catch. Next, they can release the light boat so that the fish are attracted to it. Once the desired amount has approached the light, it is time to release the net around the school in a circle. Finally, the bottom part of the net must be closed and removed from the water .

Boat light

Ancient and current boats have lanterns for night use

In the past, lantern fishing was carried out with two light boats and one buoy boat, but currently only one lantern boat is used. The laws of the Mediterranean Sea prohibit a net length greater than 330 meters, excluding the cuffs, which must not exceed 15 meters. For this method to be effective, it must be used at night and in combination with detection systems to find the most populated area.


A lantern, on the other hand, is a glass bell or other transparent material used to soften the glare. Another function of a lantern of this type is to prevent the light from going out due to the action of air.

Furthermore, a lantern is a bell that, closed at the top, protects what is covered with it . The usual thing is to enclose something that you want to protect from dust in a lantern.