Definition of



A lapdog man is a womanizer or submissive to women.

The adjective "faldero" is used to refer to something linked to a skirt . The term "skirt", meanwhile, refers to a woman's lap or to the item of clothing that covers from the waist down .

As a qualifier of people

A man is described as a lapdog when he is a womanizer or when he enjoys being around women . A lapdog is also used to refer to a person who tends to obey female instructions or directions . For example: “Be careful with Claudio, he is a lapdog” , “Don't be a lapdog and come have a drink with us at the bar” , “My cousin has always been a lapdog, since he was little he used to spend the day with the girls in the neighborhood” .

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that the use of this term is quite old, and that today it does not respond to the standards of equality and diversity . Not all women wear skirts; not even all of them want to do so. Each woman, each person is a world, which is why we cannot arbitrarily create a group, based on a false characteristic that arose as a result of social impositions. Despite all this, most Spanish speakers understand the meaning of faldero in this context.

According to the first meaning, therefore, a lapdog is attracted to women to the point where it is difficult for him to be faithful . This is associated with a lack of respect for his partners, who usually do not last long. The second, on the other hand, describes a man who cannot make important decisions before receiving the approval of a woman who is very close to him, such as his mother or wife.

Someone too submissive

Symbolically, an individual who is servile and submits to the dictates of another is described as a lapdog. A lapdog is someone who lacks initiative and merely obeys orders : “Our president is acting like the American president's lapdog, his attitude is a disgrace” , “Be careful with Lopez, he's the boss's lapdog” , “I need an assistant to correct me if I'm wrong, not a lapdog” .

In these three example sentences we can see a symbolic use that differs from that shown in the first paragraphs: we are not talking about a womanizer or a man who needs a woman's approval to make decisions, but about an individual who joins another . Calling someone a lapdog is a way of insulting them, although it is not the most aggressive, because it directly attacks their individuality, their ability to choose their own path.

As we can see from the first example, the diminutive ( doggy ) is used to enhance the meaning of the expression: the speaker not only questions the authority of his president but also underlines his insignificance through this resource. If we confuse for a second the literal and symbolic meaning, we can say that being so small will prevent him from being up to his position.

Next we have a sentence in which being a lapdog is taken as a dangerous attitude, in that extreme loyalty to one person clouds the sense of justice towards others. Finally, the last example shows us a speaker who is looking for a sincere opinion, and knows that he will not find it in a person with these characteristics, who flatters him for fear of hurting his feelings.

Lapdog puppy

No one is more affectionate than a lapdog

The lapdog

A lap dog , on the other hand, is a small dog that can comfortably lie on anyone's lap. Lap dogs can also be held in arms without any problems since they are very light.

Beyond size, the idea of ​​a lap dog refers to a good-natured and friendly animal . That is why they are often chosen by families as pets , since they are not aggressive and are generally harmless.