Definition of

Wad of bills

Wad of billsThe Latin word fascia derived from the Aragonese faja , which later arrived unchanged in our language. This is the name given to a strip or tape that is placed on the body, giving it one or more turns around the waist.

The sash is a piece of clothing that is usually used ornamentally. In the military uniform, the sash functions as a badge for generals, for example. Depending on the era and style, the sash may have tassels (ends of a set of threads that are gathered or braided).

It can be said, in this sense, that the sash is an insignia of certain ranks or positions . It is also used by folk dance groups from some regions.

In the field of religion , the ecclesiastical sash allows the cassock to be adjusted in the waist area. These sashes, whose color is linked to hierarchy, end in fringes. The pope wears a white sash, while the cardinals wear a red sash.

It is important not to confuse the ecclesiastical sash with another clothing accessory that is also used in the field of religion: the cingulum . It is a cord that has a tassel at each end and is worn by ministers in any liturgical action that requires the use of the alb , an extensive garment made of white linen. In these celebrations, we can find the cingulum as part of the clothing of deacons, priests and bishops, for example.

Returning to the concept of the ecclesiastical sash, let's see a list of the clerics who use it, ordered in descending order according to their hierarchy :

* the pope : also known as the supreme pontiff, the maxim pontiff, the successor of Peter and the vicar of Christ , among other names. He is the figure with the highest position in the Catholic Church, he also holds the position of bishop of Rome;

* cardinals : this is the highest rank that the pope can appoint. The "creation" of a cardinal takes place in a specific ceremony called the "Public Consistory." This figure of the Catholic Church is part of the College of Cardinals ;

* Apostolic nuncios : They are also known as papal nuncios and are responsible for representing the Holy See in the diplomatic field as ambassadors, both to the local Church and to the States. They usually also hold the rank of archbishops. The color of the sash they use is purple and the material it is made of is moiré silk;

* bishops : they are the faithful who must lead and supervise the priests or pastors of an area to which they are designated, depending on the case. They also wear a purple sash, and in this group we must include the honorary prelates , those individuals who receive from the pope a dignity called prelature ;

Wad of bills* presbyters : although these are not synonyms in all contexts, the name by which people usually mention this rank of the Catholic Church is priest . They wear a black sash;

* seminarians : those faithful who are part of a house in which religious training is provided voluntarily to people of all ages. Usually the color of their sash is blue.

Another type of girdle is used as an undergarment for aesthetic or therapeutic purposes. Orthopedic girdles are those used to protect the back from sudden efforts or movements, as they limit movement.

A strip can also be a strip of paper that replaces the envelope or cover of a printed document or that provides certain data somewhere. It can also be the strip that is placed on top of the cover or dust jacket of a book with information about recognitions that the work or its content has achieved.

A book by the American Dan Brown , to cite one case, may have a label that indicates “The new novel by the author of 'The Da Vinci Code'. A captivating story that gives no respite.”