Definition of



A foreigner is an individual who was born, is originally from or comes from a country of different sovereignty.

The concept of foreigner refers to someone who was born, is originally from or comes from a country of different sovereignty . The term also refers to who belongs to a nation in relation to the natives of any other place and to any country where one has not been born (a use given to it in phrases such as "I am going to travel abroad" ).

In this sense, it can be noted as an example that an Argentinian will be considered a foreigner in Spain (or in any other country other than Argentina ), while a Spaniard will be a foreigner in Argentina (and in any nation other than Spain). ).

Foreigner, a political concept

The notion of foreigner, as can be seen from the theory, is related to political sovereignty , so it is not directly linked to the social or cultural . An Argentine who was born in the city of Buenos Aires may feel more identified with a Uruguayan who was born in Montevideo than with another Argentine who was born in Jujuy , for example, since the customs and habits of a metropolis can be similar even if the countries are different. different.

On the other hand, there are people who have dual nationality , which results in them feeling (and being considered) as citizens of two countries at the same time. A man who was born in Peru but who lived the last fifty years in Colombia and who has become a Colombian national can be considered a foreigner both in his native land and in his adopted land.


When traveling to a foreign country, you need certain documentation (such as a passport , visa, etc.).


It should be noted that foreigners are often discriminated against due to cultural, social, religious or racial differences with nationals of the host country, despite the fact that this attitude, in addition to being condemnable from a moral point of view, is punishable by law.

Racism refers to the discrimination of an ethnic group taking its racial characteristics as a reference; Xenophobia, for its part, is the hatred and intolerance that the owners of one nation express against those who were born in another (foreigners).

The link between locals and foreigners

In all countries there are rules to defend the rights of foreign citizens ; Despite this, the majority of people who emigrate to other countries suffer some type of discrimination from the locals. In some cases those responsible are the foreigners themselves who do not open themselves to the new culture; In others, the responsibility lies with the locals who express their discontent with the arrival of people from outside .

Racism and xenophobia are suffered mainly by those people who come from a culture absolutely opposite to that of a certain place; For example, those who have dark skin and go to live in a place where light-skinned people are the majority, or the case of Chinese, Japanese or Koreans in Western countries, where they are mocked for their physical features and criticized. for working hard, among many other things.

One of the attitudes that foreigners have and that is most annoying for natives is that foreigners arrive in their land, get a job and invest the money they earn in their country of origin; In this way, the economy of the land that is hospitably receiving them moves outward but does not return, which has considerable consequences. There are no laws against this and, possibly, if the existing ones were modified in order to collaborate with the normal functioning of the economy of the welcoming land, the situation of foreigners could improve, because only those who long for a better future but with desire to build it in this new territory.