Definition of



Extra allows you to qualify what is superior to normal: "It is an extra large limousine."

Extra is an adjective that is equivalent to extraordinary (added to ordinary or normal ). For example: “The president of the club promised an extra prize to the players if they beat the classic rival by more than two goals” , “This month we had to assume a significant extra expense due to the breakage of the water pump” , “We "I'm going to tell Silvia to put an extra plate on the table: Diego just called, he says he's staying for dinner."

The adjective extra also allows us to name what is superior to normal: “Great chefs prepare their recipes with extra virgin oil, since it is the best quality product,” “I want an extra large hamburger with fries.”

Various uses of the term extra

The accessories of some machines and devices that are not included in the ordinary model are known as extras: “I bought a television that comes with an extra cable to connect it to the stereo,” “The Beatles collection offered at the record store includes an extra album with the best solo songs by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.”

In the field of cinema, an extra is an actor who appears in films as a background figure . He does not have dialogues nor does he show his artistic abilities, but rather he fulfills a rather figurative role. The extras, for example, are those who play pedestrians in the middle of the street or soldiers in the middle of a massive battle. Some very popular Hollywood figures, such as John Wayne , Clint Eastwood and Sylvester Stallone , began their professional careers as extras.


Newsboys used to report the most important news by shouting "extra, extra."

The concept in the media

It is important to establish that in past centuries the term extra was used daily by young newspaper sellers. Thus, shouting “extra, extra” they were in charge of letting passersby know the most unique and important news that appeared every day on the front pages of the aforementioned media.

In this sense, we could also highlight the fact that there are currently several publications that use the term extra to name themselves. Among them we would highlight the following:

  • “” . Digital newspaper from Ecuador composed of sections such as national chronicle, sports or entertainment.
  • “Diary Extra” . From the Dominican Republic , for its part, this means of communication is currently the best-selling in Costa Rica . National, International, Events, Sports and Entertainment are the sections that make up that one.
  • "Extra" . It is a Brazilian newspaper with great impact in the country that allows you to stay up to date with everything that happens in it and outside its borders through sections such as employment, celebrities, women, television, sports and national and international news.

Extra content

Furthermore, currently, the word in question is very present in the audiovisual world.

Thus, it is common for record albums or even DVDs to talk about extra content to refer to that which has been added for the enjoyment of its buyer. In this way, on the DVD of a film the extras are made up of interviews with directors or actors, trailers, outtakes, deleted sequences...