Definition of



The idea of ​​extinction is associated with the disappearance of a species.

Extinction is the consequence or result of becoming extinct or becoming extinct . For biology and ecology , the concept - coming from the Latin exstinctio - summarizes in a single term what happens when all the members of the same family or species disappear.

A genus, clan or species is considered extinct when its last member dies and, therefore, that group ceases to exist (since there is no chance of reproduction and it is then impossible to dream of a new generation). Since the distribution of a species on this planet can be too wide, it is almost impossible to determine the exact moment of extinction.

Species extinction

Species typically become extinct within the first decade of millions of years after their emergence. In some cases, however, they manage to survive for millions of years. Some experts claim that almost all of them, estimated to be 99.9%, that once populated the Earth are already extinct.

The increase in the human population and its greater geographical distribution have made extinctions become more frequent in the last 100,000 years. It is estimated that by 2100, half of the species that exist today could be extinct.

It should be noted that a classification has been developed that refers to the risk of extinction experienced by a species: the greater the risk, the greater the probability of it becoming extinct. A threatened species is one that could become extinct in the near future. An endangered species , for its part, has its existence compromised on a global level.

When the species is critically endangered , the risk is extremely high. The mountain gorilla, the Iberian lynx, the Mediterranean monk seal and the hawksbill turtle are some animals in this condition.

extinct animal

Throughout history, the extinction of numerous species occurred.

human reproduction

There is a movement called the Movement for Voluntary Human Extinction that proposes the collaboration of our entire species to leave the entire earth free, stopping reproducing and ensuring that within hundreds of years the earth recovers its space, the rest of the animals Decide how to live, evolve if you wish and the entire planet can recover from the damage that human beings have caused .

It is not about exterminating our species by killing it, but about stopping procreating: never adding another human being to the population.

When talking about human extinction, people tend to be alarmed, however they are not so alarmed when it comes to the disappearance of other species. Are we more important than them? When referring to extinction we say that it is a natural process of life on Earth, so... should ours also be one of the species that will cease to exist one day? What makes us think that this is not the case? Just as we don't worry about those that are already extinct, we shouldn't worry about the human race . Most people who were ever alive are dead and we all know that one day we will die: What difference is there between knowing that we will die and knowing that our species will cease to exist?

Extinction throughout history

Over the years, humans have allowed and exterminated millions of species for money, power and conquest; So species that for thousands of years had known how to evolve by transmitting their genetic codes , disappeared overnight and no one fought to save them. The murder of life is one of the greatest crimes committed by human beings that exist.

According to what this movement argues, which I ask you to think carefully about, the current extinction rate is a thousand times higher than the average of all eras and could be solved in only one way, with the extinction of ours because, apparently, there is no reasons to believe in this humanity changing.

Furthermore, it would be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that we have not lost two of the most valuable qualities of our species: compassion and reason . The first, to understand what the planet needs and the second to act accordingly, make a decision and sustain it over time: suppressing the future life of our species to defend the life that already exists on this planet.