Definition of


ExpulsionThe etymology of expulsion takes us to the Latin word expulsio . The act and result of expelling are called expulsion: throw out, dismiss, remove. For example: “The American president promotes the expulsion of minors who have entered the country irregularly,” “The political party will analyze the expulsion of members who participated in the protest,” “The local team played for half an hour with "one less footballer due to the expulsion of his captain."

Expulsion is usually a sanction or punishment that is applied in different areas. It may consist of the return of a foreign citizen to his or her country of origin when this person does not have the necessary documentation to legally reside in the nation that expels him or her. Expulsion can also be applied to a foreigner who has committed a crime.

In many cases, however, expulsion is focused on communities or social groups and has a xenophobic or racist component. Throughout history , various governments have decreed the expulsion of Jewish individuals from their lands.

In the academic field, the expulsion of a student occurs when he or she commits a violation of internal rules . Upon expulsion, the student is forced to leave the institution .

Expulsions also appear in the field of sports . When an athlete violates the regulations, depending on the characteristics of the offense, he or she may be expelled. Suppose a soccer player punches an opponent in the face, furious that his opponent made fun of him. The referee, upon observing the scene, decides to expel the aggressor, protected by the provisions of the regulations. In this way, the team of the expelled footballer is left with one less player.

ExpulsionIn these last two cases, expulsion is one of the most severe sanctions, if not the most, since it is one of the few that has no turning back. When a student is expelled from school, he can no longer return and is faced with a very complicated situation to resolve: he must face the frustration and shame of having been kicked out, but also find a new educational center in which they want to admit him. , something that is not always easy.

Schools can expel their students for different reasons , which are contemplated in current regulations, but this does not mean that all of them have the same severity. News often appears in the media about students who have been expelled for very varied reasons, ranging from having made fun of a teacher on social networks to having seriously attacked a classmate. Denying a student's right to attend school may seem necessary to some, but there are also those who consider this measure absolutely counterproductive .

Before expulsion comes suspension , which also leaves the student out of school but for a maximum of ten days. Expulsion, on the other hand, has a limit of one year, although it can also be applied indefinitely. Before carrying it out, it is normal for the Board of Education to hold a hearing, in which the case is presented to a group of people who must then make the final decision, considering the statements of both parties and witnesses.

Force majeure causes for the expulsion of a student include the possession of a deadly weapon, firearm or knife, in the educational center or the sale of illegal drugs. Disobedience of certain rules and disruption of order in class to the detriment of other students are reasons to consider, but not determining factors.