Definition of


ExposeWith etymological origin in the Latin word exponĕre , the term expose refers to expressing or exhibiting something . It is a verb that, based on this meaning, can be used in different ways and in different contexts.

For example: “My dream is to exhibit my paintings in a gallery in Paris” , “The government is considering exposing debtors to encourage payments” , “The owner of the canal does not want to expose the difficult situation that many neighbors are going through since the “images could harm the mayor.”

The idea of ​​exhibiting frequently appears in the field of plastic arts . When a painter, a sculptor or a photographer decides to exhibit their works, what they do is exhibit them somewhere (a gallery, a museum, etc.). By exhibiting, therefore, the artist makes his work known.

Presenting can also involve giving a speech or speaking in public about certain topics. Oral presentations are frequent in science and in the academic field when a specialist offers a conference or a dissertation. Suppose that, at a university, it is announced that an economist is going to speak about a country's external debt. It is expected that, at the event in question, the expert will explain issues related to said topic.

In this sense, the verb expose usually indicates that the person doing it makes known their own discoveries , opinions or points of view regarding a topic. This differs from the action of sharing with a group of people a series of knowledge that comes from the work of others, something very common in educational centers when students must learn about a topic based on reference books indicated by teachers and then show them that they have internalized the concepts adequately.

ExposeNote that the meanings mentioned so far refer to actions that the subject carries out without harming or directly affecting a third party; In fact, their objective is usually to publicize their personal skills to get jobs or to sell their creations.

On the other hand, the concept of exposing can also refer to placing someone or something in a dangerous or harmful position or in a place where they can be influenced by an agent: “I am not going to expose my child in front of the TV cameras.” , “You must wear a special suit to enter the laboratory because you may be exposed to radiation.”

This meaning is very current today, given the ease with which we can publish information on the Internet . While in the past it was necessary to go through a long process to expose, for example, the bad behavior of a company, since it was necessary to get a television or radio station, or a newspaper to show solidarity with the victim and grant him a space to make your complaint public, nowadays it is enough to upload photos, videos or a text to any social network for global dissemination to begin.

In a case of lack of ethics , the Internet is the most appropriate channel: every day there are fewer people who dare to cross the line of good without thinking twice, since there is most likely a mobile phone or a security camera nearby guarding a screenshot of the scene. Discussions in the means of transport, fights in the streets or thefts of products delivered to homes, among many other situations, are recorded on video and published every day on the networks for the entire world, facilitating the work of the security forces and condemning them. criminals to the maximum degree of exposure.