Definition of



Explicit things are usually censored in films, albums and books.

From the Latin explicĭtus , explicit is that which expresses something with clarity and determination . When something is explicit, it can be appreciated or noticed clearly, without a doubt.

For example: “The actor made his bad day explicit by insulting the journalists who were covering the event,” “Explicit violence on television does not help the development of children and adolescents,” “Such an action requires explicit rejection.” and energetic on the part of the national authorities.”

The explicit content

The notion of explicit is usually used to describe the content of movies , television programs, albums and other works. In this way, it is possible to differentiate between material that suggests certain situations (such as a murder or a sexual relationship) and that which shows the actions directly (showing how a knife passes through someone's body and blood flows, or the body nude of the protagonists).

Works with explicit content typically include a warning so that parents can determine whether it is appropriate for their children to have access to the material. The films, in this sense, have various ratings (not suitable for children under 18, suitable for all audiences, etc.), while the discs with explicit lyrics carry a legend that recommends parental supervision ( "Parental Advisory: Explicit Content” , in English).


The content of a film can be explicit (it shows situations directly) or implicit (it suggests the facts, without showing them).

The implicit

In addition to the above, we cannot forget the fact that frequently when we use the word explicit, the word implicit always comes to mind, which is the antonym of that word. This means that we can qualify implicit as something that is included within a thing but is not expressed by it at all.

Using the examples that we have given in terms of cinema, we could say that implicit content is when in a scene two of the characters get naked under the sheets of a bed and it begins to move. That is, when that situation appears before our eyes we all think that people are having sexual relations. That is the implicit content that the scene entails since images are not really appearing where this sexual activity between the two is clearly and forcefully seen.

Explicit knowledge and explicit functions

In the same way, we must not overlook the fact that there is also what is known as explicit knowledge . This term is used to refer to all that type of knowledge that has the particularity that it can be articulated and stored in a medium. In this way, it can then be consulted and analyzed by those who wish to do so.

Clear examples of that would be, for example, all the articles that are part of an encyclopedia. But they are not the only ones, manuals referring to a very specific subject or issue can also be considered as such.

In the field of mathematics , on the other hand, an explicit function is one in which the value of the dependent variable can be calculated directly through the values ​​acquired by the independent variables.