Definition of


ExpandExplayar is a verb that refers to extending, spreading or expanding . The term is usually used to mention what a person does when developing an in-depth explanation or thought .

For example: “I wanted to elaborate before the court, but the judges told me that it was not necessary” , “When the meeting was about to end, the manager began to expand on the risks of the agreement , “I'm sorry, But I cannot elaborate further since I have signed a confidentiality agreement.”

Suppose that an investor organizes a series of meetings with entrepreneurs with the aim of learning about projects that may be interesting to him. When the investor hears an idea that catches his attention, he asks his interlocutor to elaborate so he can access more information. In this way, the subject intends to invest in the project that he considers most convenient.

There is also talk of expatiating when a person vents by telling a secret to another individual: "Ricardo has always been very reserved, but last night he felt like expatiating with me and told me various intimacies about his relationship with María," "Excuse me, but I didn't I want to elaborate since I do not want to have problems with my brother,” “I feel a great need to expand on this topic that anguishes me so much and tortures my soul.”

Expatiating, in short, means extending a speech . It is the action of providing more content to an elucidation, emphasizing new details, sensations, opinions, etc. Whoever elaborates, spends time narrating what he is making known.

ExpandThere are people who tend to go on at length in any speech, and this can be annoying for some. There are expressions such as "talking too much", which is used to describe those who extend conversations unnecessarily, although it is not always the action of elaborating, since it can also respond to the fact of jumping from one topic to another. without delving into any of them.

It is important to note that in dictionaries we find a clear difference between the meaning of explayar and explayarse : the first is defined as "extending one's thought or sight" and we can find it in a sentence like "Marga climbed the hill and, after having recovered breath, he prepared to widen his gaze to admire the lake and the mountains" ; The second is a pronominal verb, and has the meaning expressed in the previous paragraphs, of "adding information when talking about a certain topic."

Pronominal verbs are those that are made up of an infinitive (the unconjugated form of the verb, which can end in -ar , -er or -ir , depending on the paradigms amar , fear and parte ) and a reflexive pronoun ( me, te, se, nos, os and se ). Thanks to this fusion, their meaning points to the subject, that is, they affect him directly: "I'm going to brush my teeth," "Jorge usually expatiates more than necessary." Generally, these verbs are intransitive, that is, they do not have a direct object.

Other meanings that we can find in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy are listed below. First of all, let's look at the only one that requires the use of the indicative plus a direct object, that is, it presents the verb as transitive: extend, widen (in these cases it is also possible to use the verb in its pronominal form, something that makes sense when think of "extending a speech "). On the other hand we have three that respond to the verb in its pronominal form: have fun, spread out; tell someone a secret or something intimate to vent; (colloquial in El Salvador and Venezuela) sit opening your legs to the point of occupying a large space.