Definition of



Documents associated with a certain particular topic can constitute a file.

Expedient is a term originating from the Latin word expedĭens , which comes from expedīre ( "to give course" , "to agree" ). The concept has various uses and meanings according to the context.

A file is the set of documents that correspond to a specific issue. It can also be a series of judicial or administrative procedures that follow a certain order.

For example: “The lawyer was reviewing the file for hours to determine the best way to approach the defense of the accused,” “The victims' relatives reported the disappearance of the file from Court Number 7,” “The file is clear “that the governor accepted bribes from the company in exchange for a permit for the construction of the hotel.”

The file as an administrative instrument

The definition of a file varies even by country. In general, it is an administrative instrument that compiles the essential documentation that supports an administrative act .

In the case of Spain, and as a result of the development of the Internet and new technologies, there has been the appearance of what is known as electronic judicial file. Thanks to it, Justice can offer a much more efficient, fast and secure public service since it now has electronic files for any case.

The dispatch, the cause and the course in a business , the means used to solve a difficulty, the diligence in the management of something and the process that allows establishing a judgment on the action of an individual are also called the file.


Files are very important in the Judicial Branch.

Likewise, we cannot ignore the fact that the concept analyzed is part of the title of one of the most important television series of the 90s and the history of the small screen in general. We are referring to the production titled “X-Files”.

Chris Carter was the creator of this audiovisual product, starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. These gave life to two FBI agents, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, whose clear objective was to carry out the investigation of all the inexplicable cases that occurred, the so-called “X-Files”.

Specifically, these protagonists have to face the clarification of all types of paranormal events. In some cases these will be related to the extraterrestrial world and the possibility that these beings have made an appearance on Earth in one way or another. In other cases, these facts that are impossible to explain in a logical and scientific way are related to healings or monsters of various types. Without forgetting either that on many occasions the plots revolve around political class conspiracies.

Employment Regulation File

An Employment Regulation File (ERE) , on the other hand, is a procedure that is part of Spanish legislation and that can be used by a company with financial problems that seeks authorization to dismiss or suspend employees.

What a company does through an ERE is request permission for a collective dismissal, that is, to terminate a group of employment contracts at the initiative of the employer and after a prior agreement with the Public Administration .