Definition of



Many countries achieved their territorial expansion through campaigns of conquest and wars.

Expansion , from the Latin expansĭo , is the action and effect of extending or dilating (spreading, scattering, unwrapping, unfolding, giving greater breadth or making something take up more space).

Expansion can be the territorial growth of a nation or an empire through the conquest and annexation of new lands. For example: “The American expansion of the 19th century was very important and affected Mexico, which lost large portions of its territory,” “Nazi Germany set out to carry out its expansion plans with sword and fire.”

Beyond physical progress

It is important to keep in mind that expansion does not always imply physical or concrete advancement, but also refers to more abstract or symbolic growth.

In this way, one can speak of the expansion of the economy or cultural expansion that, although it has concrete consequences and supports, is more difficult to measure: “The rise of electronic products contributed to Chinese expansion,” “It is impossible stop the spread of AIDS without an awareness campaign about the risks of having unprotected sexual relations,” “Cuba always planned to expand the revolution based on the work of its intellectuals.”

The newspaper “Expansión”

In the same way, we must not forget that within the media there is a publication entitled precisely “Expansión”. Specifically, it is a Spanish newspaper that specializes in the economic field, so much so that it is even a leader in that area.

In the 1980s, more precisely in 1986, this publication, which belongs to Grupo Unidad Editorial and has a circulation of more than 150,000 copies, began its journey.

The fluctuations of the most important stock markets in the world as well as the Spanish economy in general or the business environment are some of the fundamental pillars of this newspaper, which has regional editions in Extremadura, the Basque Country, Catalonia, Andalusia and the Valencian Community.

However, there are also digital publications that use the same term to establish their name. This would be the case, for example, of “Expansión y Empleo”, which is a platform dependent on the aforementioned newspaper where anyone can learn first-hand about the job offers that exist, can promote their resume or discover what trends they follow. the current job market.


In video games, an expansion allows you to add characters, maps and other elements.

The concept in computing and video games

In the field of computing , an expansion card is known as a device with integrated circuits and controllers that are inserted into a computer or other machine to expand its capabilities. The most popular expansion cards are those that add memory .

An expansion can also be an element added to a video game to add new maps, weapons, characters, etc. In this way, what it achieves is that any player who has the original video game can continue enjoying it at all times simply by acquiring new tools that improve the movements of the characters, the possibilities of adventures, the confrontations they have. to face or new missions to accomplish.