Definition of


Person holding memory cards

A device has expandable memory if the user can increase its volume by purchasing another disk or card.

Expandable is an adjective that is used to describe something that can be expanded . The verb expand, meanwhile, refers to expanding, propagating or stretching something .

Some examples

To see the term in context, let's look at the following example sentences: “I bought a phone with expandable memory, so I won't have problems storing vacation photos,” “The new model has an expandable screen.” , “The hospital currently has a structure of 400 beds, but expandable to 600 thanks to the available surface” .

In the first example, the sender says he bought a phone whose memory can be expanded, a feature that will avoid space concerns when taking photos on vacation. This example may seem absolutely normal today, but we must point out that the concept of memory in this case refers to the storage medium, such as a microSD card, and not to RAM, which is not expandable in mobile phones. .

The second sentence talks about a device with an "expandable screen." Unlike memory, it does not mean that a new screen can be attached or changed for a larger one, but rather that it has two or more positions , one of which folds it to take up less space. Finally, a hospital with extra space to accommodate more beds in case of emergency can be said to have an expandable structure.


Many times expandable is used as a synonym for expandable . It should be noted that expandable is what can be expanded: lengthen, dilate. Therefore, the meaning of expandable and expandable is very similar or even identical in certain contexts .

Expandable memory

In the field of technology and telecommunications , the use of the concept of expandable memory or expandable storage is common. This is the system that allows you to increase the capacity of a device to store information.

A phone with expandable memory , in this context, can incorporate a flash or microSD card to store a larger number of photos, videos, songs, etc. In this way, additional memory is added to the internal memory (integrated into the phone).

Suppose a phone with expandable memory has an internal memory of 16 GB . This means that the cell phone ( mobile ) can store up to 16 GB of information according to its original capacity. The user, in this framework, has the option to purchase an 8 GB external memory, to mention one possibility, and thus have 24 GB ( 16 GB + 8 GB ) to store their files.

Expandable content

In recent years, the world of video games has seen the birth of downloadable content , a concept that allows a title to be expanded with future installments. Its beginnings were not favorable, as many consumers felt that developers voluntarily fragmented games to charge them more money for the same amount of content that in the past was considered one. However, today this opinion is increasingly rare.

Person playing with Xbox One controller

Video games can have downloadable content, so their structure is expandable.

The content of a video game can be expanded considerably and in many ways. For example, companies can add new characters, levels, game modes, items such as weapons, clothing and accessories, and even new stories that are similar in length to the original. If the ratio between the volume of content and the price seems reasonable, then consumers are usually happy to have another reason to return to their favorite titles.

Although the most important films also usually include unreleased minutes, scenes that had been cut for the theatrical version, there is no talk of expandable content simply because the consumer does not have the option of adding it to the original version , but only of purchasing a new one that include it.