Definition of


Temporary worker

Temporary personnel are not part of the stable staff of a company.

The notion of eventual allows us to qualify what is subordinate or tied to an event . Events, meanwhile, are events : they can be transcendent facts or fortuitous events.

Generally, the eventual is something temporary, transitory or ephemeral because it is associated with specific circumstances . In this sense, it is the opposite of permanent , fixed or constant.

The concept in the workplace

A temporary worker is someone who carries out an activity in a company on a temporary basis. Said worker, therefore, is not part of the stable staff of the company in question.

Temporary staff are usually hired to meet temporary or extraordinary needs. Unlike what happens with permanent employees, in this case the employment relationship is limited to the provision of the service : when the planned work is completed, the relationship ends.


Possible fraud appears when a person has no intention of committing a crime directly, but knows that his or her actions may produce it.

The eventual fraud

In the field of law , the intention to commit a crime is called fraud , knowing that the act in question is illegal. Depending on the characteristics of the event, fraud is classified differently.

When there is possible fraud , the person responsible does not have the direct will to commit a specific crime, but he has considered that his actions could produce the same . In other words: the subject understands that his behavior can cause harm, but he still goes ahead.

Possible fraud is established if, for the judge, the accused took the result of his action as possible. Therefore, the person voluntarily decides to carry out the act knowing its potential effect.

Take the case of a man who, in the middle of an argument, chooses to hit his interlocutor on the head . Due to the blow, the victim falls unconscious and finally dies hours later. Although the attacker had no intention of committing murder, he knew that his attack could be lethal. That is why a court could conclude that there is possible fraud.

A possibility

In certain contexts, the adjective eventual refers to a possibility . Generally, what is considered possible is proposed as a hypothesis , to then indicate how we would proceed if the event comes to fruition.

Let's analyze the following expression: “In the event of the coach's eventual resignation, the club president has already defined who he wants to hire as a replacement.” As can be seen, the resignation of the current coach of a team did not take place, although it could occur (due to the team's poor results, due to a family problem of the protagonist or for any other reason). The president of the institution , thus, already takes into account who he would call as a substitute if the eventual resignation materializes.

Let's look at another case: "The government announced that it will close the borders in the event of an eventual resurgence of COVID-19." In this situation, the authorities of a country have a planned plan if a certain epidemiological situation arises.

For something eventual to be referred to in this sense, there has to be a certain probability of realization. No one would consider the eventual retirement of a 24-year-old tennis player who is among the top three in the world ranking and is in good health , since the athlete is not supposed to abandon his career at this point.