Definition of



In some countries, stove is synonymous with heater.

Depending on the region , the idea of ​​a stove can refer to two different objects. In some countries, a device used to heat a room through combustion or electrical energy is called a stove. In other nations, however, a stove is a device used for cooking .

A stove, therefore, can be a heater . In this case, it is a device that produces and emits heat . Stoves are very important when temperatures are low, as they help heat a house, a business premises, an office or other closed space.

The stove as a heater

There are different types of stove. Among the most popular are gas stoves , which produce heat through the combustion of butane or another gas.

Electric stoves , for their part, usually have a radiator that uses electrical energy to generate heat, which is then transmitted by convection or radiation.


There are regions where the stove is a device used for cooking.

A cooking device

As a kitchen element, the stove also uses combustion or electricity to produce the heat needed to cook food . These stoves usually have an oven , a broiler, and several stoves, burners, stoves, or burners .

Depending on which sector of the appliance the food is located in, and what utensils and products are used, stoves are used to cook, fry, melt, roast or boil. Pans, pots and other objects are usually needed to cook food.

With both types of stove, it is necessary to take precautions to avoid accidents. By generating heat and working with fire , stoves can cause injuries or even cause fires .

The importance of stoves

The stove, in either of its two meanings, is an object that today may seem essential for almost all human beings, but it is still a "luxury" typical of the times in which we live. Our most distant ancestors did not have these types of tools to make everyday life easier, so they had to dress warmly and prepare their food in more rudimentary ways, although not necessarily worse.

If we think that at first our race did not need to resort to artificial coats to withstand the cold since it had a sufficient amount of body hair to face the winter months with a naked body, there is no doubt that in this sense We have taken a step back. Human beings pride themselves on having evolved far above other species, but we are the only ones who cannot survive without clothing and who do not have claws or teeth to hunt naturally.

The cooking stove is another common item today that did not exist at the time and that is not why ancient humans were hungry. Even before the discovery of fire they could feed themselves perfectly, as do all animals today and even some people who prefer to do without cooking .

Evolution and inequality

All this leads us to think about what would have happened if we had stayed closer to our own nature , if we had not felt the temptation to manipulate everything around us to the point of becoming dependent on our creations to survive.

On the other hand, we can also think about how contradictory and alarming it is that so many poor people do not have access to a house, which also nullifies the possibility of having a stove to cook with or one to warm their hands. If we currently consider these items indispensable for life, how can we explain that people in power ignore the suffering of so many people?