Definition of



Study is the process carried out to learn or understand something.

The Latin word studium came into Spanish as study . The term has various uses depending on the context .

The effort that a person dedicates to understand or learn something is called study. To study, it is necessary to read, memorize and perform other actions that allow the assimilation of the contents. For example: "I have dedicated my life to the study of marine mammals" , "I think that, with two hours of study a day, I will be able to learn to speak this language in about four months" , "I got excited about studying the history of our country: now I want to know more .

Study throughout life

Throughout the life of a human being, study occupies different places, both in reference to its importance and its character. For example, at two or three years old we can begin to attend the so-called kindergarten, where we are taught the rudiments of language , mathematics and art, among other subjects and disciplines, and help us to interact with other people of our kind. age.

Study begins as a mandatory activity, imposed by our parents to meet the requirements of society and open the doors to future job opportunities. At first it is difficult for us to understand its usefulness, since we usually prefer the game. However, as the years go by, many understand that learning means becoming richer, becoming stronger and more powerful, and then they turn to study by their own decision.


The studio is the workspace of a photographer and other professionals.

From self-taught to academia

Broadly speaking, we can distinguish two types of study: self-taught (the student chooses the material and organizes the lessons without the help of a teacher) and academic (which takes place in an institute, such as a school or college, under the supervision of teaching professionals). Each has its advantages and disadvantages, in addition to adjusting to the needs of different students.

Nowadays, self-taught study is very common, especially of foreign languages, since it is very easy to get the materials in digital format: from books to videos, including audio recordings and conversations with other students to practice without leaving home, the Internet It covers all the needs of those who prefer to do without classrooms . Of course, organizing your own time and forcing yourself to meet weekly goals can become a challenge, one that not everyone can overcome.

Academic study has the disadvantage of grouping disparate people together at the same level, but it also benefits them by freeing them from the pressure of self-correction and giving them the opportunity to practice with their peers.

The study as a work that analyzes a topic

A work that is focused on the analysis of a topic is also called a study.

«The German anthropologist presented a study on the tribes that live in the Amazon jungle», «According to the study carried out by the economist, in the last decade 20,000 jobs were created in the agricultural industry» y «There are many interesting studies on slave labor in the American continent» son expresiones que muestran este uso.

A workspace

Another meaning of studio is linked to the workspace of a freelance professional or an artist: "I need a new computer for my studio" , "The Dutch painter used to spend much of the day locked in his studio" , "I will have a meeting tomorrow" with the architect in his studio .

In the film , music and media industries, finally, the place where programs or other types of materials are recorded or broadcast is called a studio: "The English band has just released their third studio album , " In today's program, with a great footballer who will be in the studio, we will analyze the current situation of the national team" , "My dream is to work in a Hollywood studio" .