Definition of



The stars are celestial bodies.

Star is each of the celestial bodies that shine at night , except the Moon , as stated in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) . The term comes from the Latin stella .

In this way, astronomy considers stars as a cluster of matter in a plasma state that is in a continuous process of collapse. In this process, different forces interact and balance in a hydrostatic state.

These accumulations of gas dissipate electromagnetic radiation , stellar wind and neutrinos , which allow them to be observable in space as flickering points of light.

The Sun, the prototypical star

Thanks to its proximity to the Earth , the Sun is considered the prototypical star. Therefore, the characteristics of stars in general are usually measured in solar units.

The Sun is the main star of the solar system , which is part of the Milky Way . Therefore, the planets that make up the galaxies of this system revolve around it. It must be clarified that there are numerous galaxies throughout the universe.

It should be noted, on the other hand, that the so-called nautical stars are almost sixty stars of first and second magnitude, which are used to calculate the situation on the high seas and verify the course. These are stars that, because they are the brightest in each constellation , are easy to identify.

Different classifications

Stars can be classified in multiple ways. Depending on its luminosity , to mention one possibility, a distinction is made between a hypergiant star, a supergiant star , a giant star , etc.

According to stellar evolution , there is talk of a pre-main sequence star , a red giant , a blue giant and other classes. Astrophysics experts also indicate that a star can die as a brown dwarf , supernova or other types of astronomical objects, leaving different stellar remnants ( black hole , neutron star , white dwarf ).

Astronomical observation

A variable star is one that, observed from our planet, shows changes in its brightness over time.


Stargazing can be done with the naked eye, although a telescope is used to develop an analysis. These optical instruments allow us to capture very distant objects in the cosmos through electromagnetic radiation (such as light).

There are telescopes installed in terrestrial observatories , while others are space observatories: these are artificial satellites placed into orbit by a shuttle-type spacecraft.

The Hubble space telescope is one of the most famous. It was born from a project developed by NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) and has allowed important discoveries to be made about stars, the Big Bang and the expansion of the universe.

The term in the hotel industry

In the same way, we cannot ignore the fact that stars are badges that are used in the hotel field to establish and publicize the category and quality of the aforementioned establishments.

Thus, we find one, two, three, four and five star hotels . The more stars one of those has, the more quality its facilities and services will have and, consequently, the more expensive the price of its rooms will be.


Figures in the entertainment industry are known as stars.

The Star of David

Another of the most important meanings that the term star has takes place within religion . And in it this acts as a fundamental symbol as occurs, for example, in Judaism.

Thus, there is what is known as the Star of David , a six-pointed star that throughout history has been used both as a lucky charm and with an indicative meaning. Thus, in this last sense we have to emphasize that during the Middle Ages this symbol was used to indicate Jewish quarters.

And all this without forgetting that currently the Star of David , also called the Seal of Solomon , is a fundamental part of the flag of the State of Israel . Specifically, it appears in blue on a white canvas and with two stripes also in blue.

The term in zoology and show business

In the field of zoology , meanwhile, there is also talk of what is known as a starfish , a marine animal shaped like a five-armed star.

On the other hand, in the world of entertainment, a star is a figure who enjoys great popularity among the public and/or critics. The origin of the expression is not very clear, although it is said that it was born in the MGM production company, which claimed that it had "more stars than the sky" , in relation to the number of actors and actresses it had hired.

Since 1960 , a street in Hollywood has had the Walk of Fame , where more than 2,000 stars drawn on the pavement commemorate the most recognized figures, including fictional characters. Michael Jackson , Steven Spielberg , John Lennon, Harrison Ford , Plácido Domingo , Bugs Bunny , Stan Lee and Godzilla are some of those honored.