Definition of


Reflex action

When irritation of the nasal mucosa occurs, sneezing occurs.

A sneeze is a reflex action that occurs due to irritation in the mucosa of the nose and consists of expelling air and saliva through the nose and, sometimes, the mouth. The usual thing is that sneezing is caused by the appearance of dust or other foreign agents in the nasal area.

When a person sneezes, they violently and involuntarily expel air that was in their lungs . The act usually includes a movement of the head forward (which contributes to the expulsion of what irritates the nasal membrane) and the closing of the eyes (to protect them from the increase in ocular pressure that causes air to pass into the nose). .

Causes of a sneeze

Anything that causes irritation to the respiratory tract can cause a sneeze. Therefore, it is possible that someone sneezes when smelling pepper , since this seasoning has an alkaloid that stimulates the nerves in the area.

If a subject catches a cold due to a virus , it is also likely that he or she will sneeze very often since the virus in question will cause irritation and swelling of the mucous membranes. The physiological response to this will be to sneeze as a way of trying to expel what is causing the discomfort.

It is common that, when someone sneezes, those nearby say "bless you." The phrase works as a wish or a prayer for the subject in question to regain a healthy state. In Spain , for example, instead of "health" they say "Jesus."

As a curiosity, it can be mentioned that the sneeze is represented through various onomatopoeias depending on the language: "atchís" , "atchoo" , "achú" , "achoo" , etc.


Sneezing usually generates nasal secretions.

home remedies

Sneezing causes a runny nose and can arise from illnesses such as the flu or cold, allergens , or simply as a way for the body to expel pollen, dust, or other irritants. When it occurs in the form of an attack (successive sneezes that do not allow time to breathe between each one) or if we are in public, it can be a real annoyance . In addition, the degree of intensity can have an impact on inflammation or irritation of the nasal passages, and even cause bleeding, something that also happens when the use of tissues is abused.

Among the most common tips to combat sneezing is the use of nettle , a plant capable of relieving inflammation of the nasal passages, the sensation of itching in the nose and congestion, all factors that usually lead to sneezing and, finally, , to mucous secretion. Nettle can be consumed in several ways, such as preparing a tea (boiled with water and removed before consuming the infusion) or taking supplements (sold in many health food stores). Its action is rapid, which is why it is recommended to use it as soon as the first symptoms appear.

Modifying your diet can help prevent sneezing and reduce a runny nose. Through the consumption of certain natural products it is possible to tell the body to release less histamine, the cause of these annoying phenomena. Some of the elements that should be included in the diet are citrus fruits (such as oranges and grapefruit) and vegetables in general (among which peppers, spinach, carrots and broccoli stand out).

On the other hand, there is the use of salt in the form of a solution that is applied to the nose with the help of a dropper. The preparation simply consists of dissolving half a tablespoon of salt in 200 ml of hot water. Its application, however, can be annoying since it is necessary to inhale so that each drop passes through the nasal passages and then expel it through the mouth.