Definition of


StomachThe Greek word stómachos came to Latin as stomăchus , which in turn became stomach in Spanish. This is the name given to the organ of the digestive system that is between the intestine and the esophagus.

Located in the upper abdomen , the stomach is responsible for storing and processing food . In this structure, the bolus is transformed into chyme thanks to the substances secreted by the walls of the organ. Gastric juices, therefore, help to crush food so that, once transformed into chyme, it continues its journey to the small intestine as part of the digestion process.

Although its characteristics depend on age and other factors, a human stomach generally measures about eight inches long when empty. These dimensions give you a storage capacity of about 1.5 liters.

The time that food remains in the stomach varies depending on the type of food . A solid food, for example, can be in the stomach for between one and six hours.

Among the diseases and disorders that can affect the stomach, gastritis is one of the most common problems. It is the inflammation of the stomach or gastric mucosa, which lines the inside of the stomach walls. This swelling, which can occur due to stress, excessive consumption of painkillers or poor eating habits, can cause pain, burning, nausea and vomiting.

Stomach problems are very common, largely because there are many factors that can cause them. Another of them is called gastric reflux , a condition that occurs when stomach acid rises into the esophagus, something that can occur at night or after eating. Among the most obvious symptoms is a very strong burning in the central area of ​​the chest.

Although gastric reflux is relatively common, if its symptoms get in the way of the patient's normal development of daily activities or if they appear more than once every seven days, then you may be dealing with gastroesophageal reflux disease , whose symptoms They include erosion on the surface of the teeth, heartburn , chest pain, difficulty breathing and swallowing, nausea, and bad breath. In a case like this, it is important to seek professional help.

StomachHeartburn is often a symptom of a more serious problem, as we have seen previously, but it can also be a condition in itself that appears in isolation as a result of having eaten something that is too spicy or overeating. On the other hand, when this is combined with swallowing problems, blood in the stool or involuntary weight loss, among others, then it stops being a passing condition and becomes an alert for a potentially serious disorder.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease affects 20% of the Western population, and among its most serious consequences are ulcers. Although many attribute its appearance to gastritis, the truth is that it arises from a failure in the internal esophageal sphincter, a valve located between the esophagus and the stomach.

Some stomach-related complications do not target this organ directly, but rather involve it. Such is the case of irritable bowel syndrome , one of the most common digestive diseases. Precisely, one of its common symptoms is stomach discomfort, as well as pain , diarrhea, constipation and abdominal distension, and they must be repeated several times a month for several months.

It should be noted that man usually uses the stomach of different animals for the production of balls and other products or even as food (such is the case of tripe or tripe ).