Definition of


strawberry plant

Among the plants that have stolons are strawberries.

The term stolon can refer to a type of clothing , a type of shoot of some plants or an organ of invertebrate animals , according to the context.

an outbreak

In the field of botany , a stolon is a bud that arises at the base of a stem . It is a creeping shoot that, every certain section, generates new roots that allow the development of other specimens. This concept is also known as creeping or runner rhizome .

Runners are a vegetative reproduction mechanism found in many plants, such as strawberries, mint, and grass. These stems spread along the ground and develop shoots at the nodes, which can root and form new plants. In this way, they allow the plant to spread and colonize nearby areas. Between the roots that produce, the stolons have internodes.

The term stolon is also used to refer to parts of plants that extend horizontally, as in the case of some species of ferns or mosses. These structures allow plants to grow and spread in new places, whether to seek more sunlight, space or resources.

wide stole

A stolon is a large stole worn by deacons during the celebration of mass on the Lenten holidays. The stolon is placed over the alb (the white tunic worn above the habit and amice) and is visible once the religious takes off the dalmatic .

With an approximate width of twenty-five centimeters, the stolon is an elongated piece with a fragment of fabric that falls from the neck and develops towards the back. In addition to deacons, bishops and priests can use it in certain celebrations.

The stolon is distinguished from the stole worn by priests and bishops as it is of a slightly different size and design. While the priests' stole is worn hanging straight down on both sides, the deacon 's stolon is placed diagonally , passing over the left shoulder and crossing to the right side of the waist.

This garment is a symbol of the function and authority of deacons in the liturgical service, who, in the ecclesiastical hierarchy, are ordained to assist priests and bishops in various ministries , such as the proclamation of the Gospel, the distribution of communion and caring for the poor and needy. Wearing the stolon is a visible sign of your role and service within the religious community.

an organ

For zoology , a stolon is a type of specialized organ that, in colonial invertebrate species , allows the members of the colony to link together. It should be noted that colonies are groups of living beings that organize cooperatively to develop and subsist.

Starfish on the shore

The starfish's stolon is thin and elongated, branching from its central disc.

Cnidarians known as hydrozoans , for example, have stolons. This tubular structure makes it possible for the polyps to join together. Some examples of cnidarians are sea anemones and corals . In their case, stolons are root-like structures that grow from the main polyp, extend through the marine substrate and allow the polyps to connect with each other, forming colonies. They can also function as a form of asexual reproduction, where new polyps develop along the stolon, forming a chain of genetically identical individuals.

In echinoderms, such as starfish , stolons are thin, elongated structures that branch from the central disc of the body. These organs may be connected to the arms of the starfish and contain specialized cells responsible for tissue regeneration.