The Latin word statuare came into Spanish as estatuir . The concept refers to constituting, defining or instituting something .
Some examples
Usually the term is used with reference to determining a thing that governs different issues or individuals. For example: “The new regulations allow several principles to be established that were not previously contemplated,” “The theory indicates that the people agree to hand over the monopoly of violence to the State to establish social peace,” “A group of businessmen met to establish an association that defends their interests.”
In the first example, the verb establish is used to denote that a series of relevant principles have finally been recognized and adequately established by law. The second tells us about a situation common to most countries, where the State has the right to use violence with the aim of society living in peace. Finally, when talking about establishing an association the meaning is closer to instituting or constituting .
Etymology, synonyms and conjugation
The verb estatuir is certainly not common in everyday speech, much less among younger speakers. In addition to the synonyms set out above, we can say that this word is understood as "putting something in order ", "establishing" or "establishing". In this way, their meanings can be expressed in popular language, where technicalities usually have no place, either due to shame or ignorance.
In the etymology of the word statuir is the aforementioned verb of Latin origin statuare , in whose definition we can find several meanings, such as "determine, establish, make it stop." The latter is quite interesting in this context, since it does not seem to be related to the others or to the examples presented above. However, if we think about the verb "erect" or "lift", which also denote an upward movement, all of these give us the idea of the beginning of growth , that is, of something that is established or settled so that it grows. and stay standing.
Regarding its conjugation , this may be too difficult to intuit for someone who has never used this verb. However, it is equivalent to construct , so that, paying attention only to the first person singular, in the Indicative mood we have "estatuyo, estatuía, estatuí, estauiré" and "estatuiría" and in the Subjunctive, "estatuya, estatuyere » and «statuary». The Imperative mood does not have the first person, but begins with the second ("statuye / statuí"). Finally, its gerund is “statuiendo” and its participle, “statuido”.
«Estatuir» in context
Take the case of same-sex marriage . Also known as homosexual marriage or equal marriage , this type of union existed in Antiquity but later fell into disuse in the Western world until the 21st century . In 2001 , the authorities of the Netherlands were pioneers in approving - through the States General - to establish this type of link: in this way, they established it legally.
The idea of establishing appears in multiple areas and contexts. Suppose that a young person has a cell phone ( mobile ) subscription that grants them the consumption of 2 GB of data. If you exceed that amount, you must pay an additional amount. In order to avoid this surcharge, the boy configures his phone to set a maximum data usage. The device therefore alerts you when you are about to reach the stop.
The government of a country, on the other hand, can establish a Crisis Committee to confront a situation of chaos. Thus, it creates an area that is dedicated to analyzing different problems of the situation and proposing solutions.