Definition of



Standardization seeks to ensure that different elements agree with a reference or pattern.

The act and result of standardizing is called standardization : adjusting to a standard . Standardization, therefore, involves arranging something so that it is coincident or consistent with a model, a pattern or a reference.

Also called normalization , standardization is a process carried out to create and apply standards that are used at a general level in a certain context. When provisions specially designed for repeated and common use are established, it is possible to achieve a specific arrangement that contributes to the resolution of a problem (potential or real).

Objective of standardization

The purpose of standardization is the formulation of rules that allow the orderly development of an activity so that all actors participating in the sector obtain a benefit from said ordering.

In other words, through standardization we can ensure that all participants in a given activity have the same parameters , elements and rules, even if they are not working in the same geographical location. This opens the doors to possible collaborations in the middle of a project without the need to specifically train the workers who are joining.


Standardization is important in the field of programming.

Internal processes

Large multinational companies stay on their feet thanks to the implementation of various market tactics and strategies that allow them to face the immense demands of the different markets in which they operate, and the internal standardization of their tools is one of the key decisions. to achieve success. No matter which country each of your employees resides in or the cultural differences this implies, the general rules within the office will be the same for everyone.

The standardization of processes within a company represents significant monetary savings, as well as a considerable increase in productivity. Let's take the case of a company dedicated to software development , a very common activity since the massification of the Internet. The same program can be created in infinite ways, using many different tools and languages; For this reason, it is important to rigorously define the path to follow so that all employees work in the same way.

In a company of this type, standardization also affects the way of programming, that is, of conceiving and structuring the source code of the programs. Programming is a very particular discipline, which many consider an art, since it adapts to the style and needs of each developer, instead of imposing a series of immutable formulas. Thanks to standardization, all programmers within the company will know how to structure the code, how to declare its classes, functions and variables, how and when to add comments to record their decisions or warn of certain errors that have not yet been corrected, etc., so that the same project can pass from one team to another with an almost non-existent adaptation period .

ISO standards and standardization

The International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) is the global entity in charge of creating the standards that govern various activities. This institution is made up of the different national standardization organizations.

The thousands of standards created by ISO help promote international trade, since they favor the development of services and products that are reliable and whose quality is guaranteed by certifications.

For producers, standardization is useful because it reduces expense and failures. Consumers, for their part, gain greater security when purchasing products or contracting services that have an ISO standard , knowing that they conform to internationally agreed standards.

It should be noted that, beyond the ISO , there are other global standardization organizations for different sectors, such as the International Air Transport Association and the International Electrotechnical Commission .