Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term stamen, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case we can emphasize that it comes from Latin, exactly from “stamen, staminis”.

This concept has different meanings depending on the context .

StamenIn the field of botany , the male organ developed by the flowers of phanerogamous plants is called stamen. The stamen is a modified leaf that has a filament that supports the anther (a type of sac where pollen is generated and stored).

The stamen, therefore, has the pollen sacs that make pollen . It should be noted that pollen is made up of small grains that germinate when the male gamete they contain fertilizes a female reproductive cell. For reproduction to occur, pollen has to move from the stamen to the stigma in a process known as pollination , which can be carried out by the action of insects, wind or other factors.

The set of stamens of a flower is called androecium . Depending on their characteristics, the stamens can be classified as connate (if they are united in the same spiral) or adnate (which are fused in more than one spiral).

In the same way, other classifications of the androecium can be carried out taking into account the stamens of different shapes:

-Depending on the position that the anther acquires on the stamen filament, there are the versatile ones, the basifixes, the apicifixes, the dorsifixes and the adnates.

-If the length of the stamens is taken into consideration, the androecium can be tetradynamous, which occurs when there are six stamens and two are longer, and the didinamo, when there are two pairs of stamens and they have different length.

-If we start from the degree of fusion of the stamens, we find the monadelphous androceans, where all the filaments are united; the diadelphis, where they are united creating two groups; synandries, which occur when anthers and filaments are fused; and synantheries, which take place when the anthers are united.

The idea of ​​yarn is also used to name the sector of fleece (a set of wool) that is made up of long strands . Stamen is also the name given to the threads that form these strands, according to what is detailed by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary .

Specifically, we can determine that this yarn is a loose fabric and has thick threads that stand out for being very resistant and also durable. To all this we must add that it is frequently used to make clothing items that will be used during the spring-summer season. It also responds to the name of estameña.

Worsted thread , on the other hand, is known as the finest wool threads. When fleece is made of worsted yarns, the fibers are usually parallel.