Definition of



A scam is a crime that is carried out through deception.

Scam is a word related to the verb to swindle (obtain wealth through a trap or a ruse, commit a crime through abuse of trust or lying). The person who commits a scam is known as a scammer .

For example: “A Russian man was arrested for a massive scam against retirees,” “The person responsible for the big scam still walks free,” “I invested a thousand dollars in a business that turned out to be a scam.”

Fraud can be defined as a crime that is carried out against assets or property and that is perpetrated through deception . The scammer makes sure the victim believes in something that has no real existence. Another option is to deceive the scammed regarding the conditions of a commercial operation.

Types of scams

One of the most common scams consists of requesting the delivery of an advance of money with the promise of access to an asset on advantageous conditions in the future. However, the person who gave the money ultimately never receives the item in question.

Another type of scam is linked to deception in the sale of products or services . A person agrees to contract a service believing that they will pay a certain monthly amount. The reality, however, is that said individual will have to pay double since they have to take care of taxes and commissions, something that they did not know at the time of hiring.

It can be said that fraud, at a general level , is linked to a reduction in one's assets as a result of deception. There are aggravated types of scams, when they involve objects of basic need, signatures that are not their own are used or there is abuse of links, among other cases.

Digital crime

Internet scams are very common.

Its emergence on the Internet

As with most aspects of life today, the concept of scam is closely linked to the Internet , and just like in the physical world, it can take on countless forms and strategies. Email boxes are often hotbeds for this type of deceptive practices ; One of the classic ones is to send a congratulatory message for having won a supposed contest, or the lottery and, as hard as it may be to believe, many people have been victims of this tactic, paying different amounts of money to access a prize that they do not existed .

In recent years, the popularity of freelance jobs (also called freelancing and associated with working from home) has grown, although the percentage of scams that revolve around this lifestyle is so high that most people ignore it. looks with deep distrust. Although there are many people who carry out their professional obligations with freedom every day, both with respect to schedules and geographical location, the general perception fails to accept these lives as accessible to everyone, since it associates them with deceptive packages distributed through of the Network, which require "small" investments to start "a business of international scope."

Another type of online scam consists of offering fake translation jobs through advertisements on sites where there are not many controls on the publications. The procedure consists of attracting bilingual or multilingual people who are looking for a comfortable job , from their home, promising them a constant flow of orders from a large customer database. The only drawback is that to begin work it is necessary to pay for the initial training package , the name of which varies according to the creativity of the scammer, although the sum does not usually exceed the price of a movie ticket. Of course, once this amount has been paid, the link with the alleged employer will have ended.