Definition of


SeasonalitySeasonality is the dependency link that exists in relation to any of the seasons of the year (summer, autumn, spring or winter). It is worth remembering that seasons are seasons or periods into which the year is divided.

Seasonality is a situation or phenomenon that usually occurs at the same time of year , always with similar characteristics. That is why it is possible to predict it, since its nature is linked to the season: it happens every summer or every winter, for example.

These variations occur in a period equal to or less than one year . If they occur over a longer period, we do not speak of seasonal variation, but of cyclical variation ( cycles ). On the other hand, behaviors that are maintained in the long term are known as trends .

In some regions , there is often talk of the seasonality of tourism . Take the case of a coastal city that, in the summer months, receives thousands of visitors, a number that drops greatly in the rest of the year. This means that, in the summer period, local residents have almost guaranteed access to employment since there is a large tourism industry designed to satisfy the needs and requirements of travelers. However, in spring, autumn and winter, many businesses close, as they only operate when there are tourists (in summer). To guarantee local employment throughout the year, the authorities seek to break seasonality and make their city attractive beyond the season.

Breaking seasonality is not an easy or quick process, and in fact it varies in each country and region. There are many factors that influence the effectiveness of each method; For example, the budget that the local government has is absolutely decisive since it establishes a series of limits to the scope of each action plan. Opening new stores and shopping centers, as well as creating innovative employment platforms for the most touristy areas, entails large investments of money that are not always available.

This phenomenon of seasonality in tourist cities is often the reason for the deep discontent experienced by their inhabitants, as they feel suffocated by the inevitable labor drought that takes place once the flow of travelers ends and the three seasons of stillness come. However, many times people lack creativity and attitude that fuels the consequences of seasonality: fear of change is the worst enemy in a situation of this nature.

SeasonalityAlthough the government has a great responsibility regarding seasonality, citizens are also part of the system and should contribute new ideas to extend the period of commercial activity throughout the year. Of course, it is not always a matter of a lack of will on the part of small business owners, but rather a lack of capital to carry out their projects.

In any case, the key is to "lose the fear" of seasonality, to de-dramatize its effects to treat it as a real phenomenon, which will not cease to exist, and to develop a series of action plans around it with the aim of avoid its negative consequences. Just as in the beginning very few people trusted the Internet as a source of work and in less than two decades it became the solution for millions of people who cannot or do not want to travel to carry out their profession, there are always alternatives to what is known that can overthrow any barrier.

Agricultural activities , dependent on sowing and harvest periods, are also tied to seasonality, in this case marked by the climate .