Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term foam, it is necessary to discover, first of all, its etymological origin. Specifically, we can state that it derives from Latin, exactly from “spuma”.

The accumulation of bubbles that is generated on the surface of a liquid is called foam . In this gaseous mass, the bubbles stick together with a certain consistency.

FoamIt can be said that the foam is a dispersed system : there is a dispersed phase in a large number of fractions (the air present in the different bubbles) and a continuous phase (the walls of liquid that surround the bubbles). Various liquids, under certain conditions, can foam.

That is why it is possible to find foam - a term from the Latin spuma - in different places. When ocean waves break on the coast, for example, foam is produced. The phenomenon is generated for several reasons, such as the alkalinity of the ocean and the high concentration of dissolved organic matter (lipids, proteins and others).

When pouring beer , foam also appears on the top of the glass. In this case, the foam is linked to the carbonation of the drink: the dissolution of carbon dioxide that comes from the alcoholic fermentation of barley, wheat or cereal used in the preparation.

Soap , for its part, foams if we rub it under water . The reason: the friction of its molecules and the water molecules generates air bubbles, which are covered by the oil contained in the soap.

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of what is known as polyurethane foam, which is a material that is increasingly used in the field of construction. Specifically, it is used not only as a thermal and acoustic insulator but also to mount windows, fill gaps, mount doors...

There are several types of this type of foam on the market. Specifically, we can establish that there are two most relevant varieties:

-The specific ones, which are designed to undertake very specific functions. Thus, we come across those that are used for joints, those that are designed for tiles, those that are used for windows and doors, those that are fire retardant...

-The multipurpose ones, which are used for a wide variety of actions in the field of construction.

In order to carry out the use of polyurethane foam, it is necessary to follow an important series of tips to ensure that it works properly. Exactly, it is established that it is essential not only to clean well the surface on which it is going to be placed but also to moisten it, with the clear purpose that it can adhere more easily and quickly, or even proceed to spray as long as it is in an environment with good ventilation, specifically outdoors.

Foam , foam rubber or foam rubber , finally, is a synthetic or latex product that is obtained through an industrial process. Soft and spongy, foam is often used as a filling for pillows and mattresses due to its characteristics.