Definition of



The idea of ​​space can be linked to the surface area available in an environment.

Space is a term that comes from the Latin spatium and has many meanings according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) . The first of these has to do with the extension that contains existing matter .

In a similar sense, space is the part that a sensible object occupies and the capacity of land or place. For example: “I’m sorry, there’s no more room in the living room , “We’re going to have to change the bed because it takes up too much space” , “There’s a free parking space for you” .

Another use of the term is linked to the passage of time between two events: "The police were searching every corner of the room for four hours," "I have a free space between the two o'clock meeting and the seven o'clock event."

The concept in TV, radio and texts

In television and radio , a spot is a program or part of the programming : "This channel needs more sports spots to attract a larger audience," "When the news spot ends, the movie will begin."

The separation between lines of a text , or between its words or letters, is also called space: "I don't quite understand what it says: please enlarge the font, leave double space and print again."

Outer space

The notion of space can also refer to outer space (the region of the universe that is beyond the Earth's atmosphere): "When I was a child, I dreamed of going to space" , "Last night my grandson asked me if many Martians live in space" , " NASA was never able to prove the existence of extraterrestrial ships in space" .


Outer space is the part of the universe that lies beyond the Earth's atmosphere.

Human beings have always had their eyes fixed on the sky, trying to understand the mystery of existence , to find the reason why we are born, and why we do so on this planet. As technological advances have allowed them to move further away from Earth in their eternal cosmic research, they have been discovering a series of very shocking data.

Important space discoveries

First, there is the discovery of water on the Moon , which took place in October 2009, following the collision of the LCROSS probe with the lunar crater called Cabeus. The impact generated a cloud of a substance that, a month later, was identified as water , which is found in large quantities on the Earth's satellite.

No less shocking was the discovery of a planet with characteristics very similar to those of Earth , which they named Corot-7b . Although its diameter is twice as large and its mass is five times greater, it is the first solid celestial body that really resembles our home. However, it should be noted that its average temperature is around a thousand degrees Celsius, given that it is located a short distance from its star , which makes it difficult to imagine that it hosts life forms as we know them.

The astronomical community fulfilled a long-awaited dream when it was able to learn the true appearance of Mercury , after many years of waiting. After three very complicated flights over its surface, the Messenger probe provided us with images of some of its most hidden corners. This is the mission that gave scientists a practically complete view of Mercury, from which they discovered about its composition, such as that it contains large quantities of titanium and iron, among other heavy metals.

Finally, one of the most attractive topics in outer space, even for those without specific knowledge: black holes . A few years ago, one with a mass 6.4 billion times greater than that of the Sun was discovered in the centre of the elliptical galaxy M87 (also called Virgo A ).